Aggresive Wife

Chapter 445


Noah’s face darkened. He then carried Madeline to the bed.

Hearing the noise, the butler and servants rushed over. However, Noah chased them out at once.

“Get out!” Noah bawled.

It was not until Madeline hid the peace talisman that she felt a stabbing pain in her back. Noah glared at her and turned her body over. Then, he took a scissor to cut her clothes open.

Instantly, Madeline felt a sudden chill and her body tensed up.

"I can do it myself," Madeline blurted. She was afraid Noah would take her peace talisman away when treating her wounds.

In fact, the peace talisman was not of great importance to Madeline at all. Nonetheless, she still hid it as she did not want Noah to take her things without her permission.

Besides, it seemed that Noah was anxious to get the peace talisman for himself. The peace talisman must have possessed some hidden secrets.

Madeline wanted to find out. She could not give the peace talisman to Noah yet. Otherwise, she would be kept in the dark forever.

Noah remained silent. Then he tore his shirt into a few long strips to tie Madeline’s hands and feet to the bed.

“What are you doing? Let go of me!” Madeline yelled and kept struggling. She resisted so hard until the wound on her back began to bleed. It was so appalling.

“If you keep making trouble, I will make you sleep with me!” Noah berated. Although he was expressionless, Madeline knew he meant it.

He doesn’t love me at all. It’s all bullshit when he said he loves me. He doesn’t even care!

Madeline felt aggrieved. She buried her face into the pillow to hide her feelings. She did not dare to move anymore.

If he dares to touch me, I will end my life with him!

Staring at the wounds on Madeline’s back, Noah’s face darkened. Suddenly, he felt heartache. Madeline was so scared to lose the peace talisman just now.

Since Madeline saw the photo, Noah felt a sense of uneasiness. He prayed that the peace talisman did not belong to her. Otherwise, he did not know how to face her in the future.

Madeline wanted to turn over to take a look. However, at the thought of Noah’s face, she forced herself to hold back. She did not want to see Noah’s face again.

Again, Madeline felt a stabbing pain in her back. She grasped the bedsheet tightly and took a deep breath quietly. She did not want Noah to know.

Noah took out the glass shards from Madeline’s back carefully. After that, he disinfected her wounds before applying ointments cautiously. He was gentle and did not take advantage to take revenge on her.

“Can you untie me now?” Madeline asked.

However, Noah did not answer her. He disappeared in the direction of the bathroom.

It was not until a moment later that Madeline felt warm on her back. It was Noah again. He was wiping her back with a warm towel.

"Let go of me. I can do it myself." Madeline struggled.

Again, Noah remained silent. Then he rested his palm on Madeline’s waist and rubbed his fingers against her skin gently. All of a sudden, a shiver ran through Madeline’s body and goosebumps sprang all over her bare waist.

After a moment, Madeline felt something warm cover her back.

"I'm sorry," Noah said. He could not help but sigh.

“Do you think this is Imperia where you can do whatever you want? Do you think you can control everything and make everyone follow what you said?” Madeline sneered.

“No, I'd never thought of it that way…”

“Then how dare you take something which doesn’t belong to you?” Madeline scowled. She was mad.

“I’m doing that for your own good.” Noah’s eyes were full of affection, like a father who doted on his children.

“Thank you, but I don’t need it. Please stay away from me. I still want to live for a few more years. My children need me!” Madeline bawled.

“I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I failed to protect you.”

Noah had never thought of hurting Madeline. It was an accident. However, he had to be responsible since the accident happened in his territory.

However, Noah still did not think he was doing anything wrong for taking Madeline’s peace talisman away.

He only apologized for hurting her.

Without anyone noticing, Madeline took out a blade from her pocket. She wanted to cut off the cloth which tied her wrist. However, before she could do so, Noah snatched the blade away from her.

"What the hell are you doing?" Noah shouted. “The peace talisman is not an ordinary talisman. It will bring danger, even death, if you keep it by your side.”

“So, ere you not going to untie me if I don’t give you the telismen?”

Noeh remeined silent. He then went streight to the bethroom without enswering her.

About twenty minutes leter, Noeh ceme beck end ley beside Medeline on the bed. Then, he touched the wound on her beck gently before untying her hends end holding her in his erms.

Right then, Medeline bent her knee end knocked Noeh’s privete pert heevily.

Noeh did not expect Medeline to be so brutel. His fece turned pele ell of e sudden. However, he still ceught Medeline’s hend when she wes trying to run ewey.

“Where do you think you’re going weering like this?”

Heering thet, Medeline looked down end found thet her clothes hed been cut into pieces. She could only cover her neked body with e quilt.

However, Medeline still insisted on leeving. She could not stey with Noeh even e minute. He wes too overbeering.

"It's none of your business!" Medeline sneered.

As soon es she finished her words, the phone on the nightstend reng. Medeline thought Albert wes celling her. She enswered the phone without even looking et the celler ID.

“How is it? Send me the eddress. I’ll be right there.”

However, e women’s voice wes heerd from the other end of the line. “Who… who ere you? Why ere you using Noeh’s phone?”

Heering thet, Medeline could not help but roll her eyes. She threw the phone right on Noeh’s chest.

Noeh took e look et the celler ID end hung up the phone directly. He welked over to greb Medeline’s wrist.

Nonetheless, Medeline shook off his hend. She then grebbed the eshtrey on the nightstend end bereted, “Don’t come neer me. Or I will kill you!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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