All Her Secrets

Chapter 95

The plane landed. The production crew had arranged a bus to take the four families to the destination. This was where they would stay for two days and one night.

Since the show was streamed live, only three hours were reserved for the four families to complete missions where they competed against one another. The rest of the time was for them to stream whatever they wanted to.

After arriving at the destination, the production crew did not provide the families with food or help. The celebrities had to get everything by themselves.

The production crew had one clear and simple goal: to make life difficult for the celebrities!

The four families started drawing lots to see which accommodation they would stay in.

Audrey took the initiative to draw the first lot. Unfortunately, she picked the worst lot. It was a small bungalow. Her heart sank immediately. Afraid that Catherine would go crazy, she turned around carefully and peeked at her.

The viewers commented, “Did you guys see that minute expression of Audrey? She looks like me when my mother found out I did something wrong when I was young!”

“Interesting eye gesture.”

“Audrey’s makeup is so good! It hasn’t smudged after such a long time! I’m envious!”

Catherine glanced at the comments. Comments of all kinds were talking about Audrey’s expression.

She looked up toward Audrey and saw her returning to her.

With innocent blinking eyes, Audrey said, “Kathy, I got the worst house!”

Catherine didn’t say anything. She started walking while dragging her suitcase along.

The comment section exploded again upon seeing Catherine leave.

The viewers agreed unanimously that Catherine’s reaction was uncalled for, and she had a bad temper.

“This girl is way too arrogant. It was just the luck of the draw that they ended up with the worst house. That’s not Audrey’s fault.”

“I agree with the previous comment. Poor Audrey, I feel so sorry for you…”

“I would never want a sister like her!”

Catherine had a keen sense of hearing. She had heard everything the production crew told the

celebrities a second ago.

hints on how to avoid picking the worst lot. Audrey was supposed to pick the worst lot, so there was no need to give her any



decent house. The facilities inside aren’t too bad either. How about

brothers landed a two-story cottage, which Audrey had her eyes on from the start. She didn’t need the best house but didn’t want the worst one. Who would have known that she would

was one thing to have

wanted to accept the brothers’

she would discuss everything with her before making any decision. So instead of deciding by herself, she

brothers are willing to trade houses with us. What do

apathetically without even turning to look at Audrey, “There’s no

that Catherine didn’t want to trade. She had seen the comments from earlier

didn’t want to, the viewers would start roasting her aloof nature again. She stopped herself in a hurry

house the worst, but

found the house they would stay in. She even came close to losing her

awfully heavy. So was

envious of Catherine, who had only had a purse. What a

she not even offer to help carry the luggage? If I were the elder sister,

new round

comments were coming so quickly that there was

situation even

are still very low, they have improved significantly

around. Looking

explained what happened to the director, “Audrey’s sister has a poor character. The viewers are all watching the stream to

director was excited

You guys think of ways to make the situation worse, Shoot from a few different angles, and add in a few bloopers.

the industry and knew exactly how to edit the videos to produce the

buttery tone, “Don’t worry,

Audrey, in the meantime…

the map. However, when they finally arrived at

her and felt her soul crushed. She suspected that the production crew had done all of this on

still had missions in the afternoon. How was she supposed to

at one of the cameramen and asked, “So I’ll have to climb the staircase myself, and no one is going to help

could be heard off-screen. “The production crew needs you to do everything by

simply adorable. A bunch

Audrey, things would be so much easier if her sister

Just forget

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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