All Too Late

Chapter 267

Chapter 267 Alone In His Room

Kathleen nodded.

Charles pointed at the study and said, “I’ve been holding Caleb back, and the housekeepers are also watching him below the windows. Please try to persuade him.”

Hearing that, Kathleen frowned, her brows drawing together. “What is he planning to do?”

“He wants to kill Finn,” Charles answered while casting a grave look at her.

Kathleen nodded understandingly. “I would want the same if I were in Caleb’s shoe.”

Her frank reply caused Charles to frown even more.

Ignoring that, Kathleen turned and entered the study.

“Get out!” thundered Caleb, whose back was facing Kathleen.

“It’s me,” the latter stated calmly.

Caleb stiffened before turning around, his eyes red with tears as he spoke. “You’re here.”

Kathleen approached him with the utmost concern laced in her tone. “Are you all right?”

In response, Caleb cast a glum look while placing both her hands on his face. His voice was hoarse as he replied, “I never thought she would hang herself…”

Kathleen felt her heart sink.

Tears fell from her eyes as she admitted, “I know. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have let her see Finn…”

In truth, she blamed herself for Vivian’s death.

Kathleen would rather have Vivian live on with her mental condition than be dead.

However, it was too late now; Vivian had chosen to depart the world permanently after discovering the truth.

Caleb started crying. His voice was choked-up as he uttered, “I-I’ve lost my sister, Kate…”

Kathleen had no idea how to comfort him at that moment.

All she could do was walk over and wrap her arms around him, offering a warm embrace.

He, too, hugged her tightly while resting his head on her shoulder.

They remained that way for a few minutes, holding onto each other for any sense of comfort they could get.

Eventually, Kathleen patted his back and said, “Caleb, you need to be strong. There are still things you need to deal with for Vivian’s funeral, and you have to inform your parents that are overseas about this.”

“But I don’t feel like doing it…” A moment passed before Caleb asked hoarsely, “Will you help me?”

“If you need it, I’ll gladly help you out. That’s what friends are for.”

“Thank you.”

the score with Finn. He’s not worth it. After all, you’ll go to prison

worry. I won’t let Vivian’s death be in

replied Kathleen. Yet, regardless of his current compliance, she could not stop worrying

Vivian’s matter, Kate. I have a

He’ll spend the rest of his life paying for my

do anything rash,” Kathleen urged with

tarnish my life

Kathleen heave

released him from her embrace and instructed, “Recomposed yourself and call your parents, okay? I’m heading downstairs to check up

to stay out of Vivian’s matters, she could not bring herself

“All right.” Caleb nodded.

something flickered in his gaze as he

Lewis residence’s housekeepers had efficiently assembled

of his responsibilities in arranging Vivian’s funeral. There’s no need to trouble him, so please come to

replied the butler right

given Ms. Johnson the power to handle his family affairs, that must mean she’s in charge of

You may resume with your

The butler turned on his

after, Kathleen looked around

Where did Charles go?

guests arrived at the residence for

up, but he merely

recalling what had happened the night

half a

at a loss

promised not to

the space between her brows. “I did ask you to stay out of my life. But I never asked you to avoid me like the plague. Besides, we’ll have to face one another eventually since we have many collaborative projects. There’s no way

fell as Samuel

thank you for attending and paying tribute

you here?” came Samuel’s

explained, “Vivian and Caleb are my friends. It’s only natural that I

Deep down, Samuel did

best right now, so I figured I’d help him

hearing that, Samuel felt even more

remarked emotionlessly, the bitterness in

was then that

greeted in a deep and

to her side

clarified, “My

placed the back of her palm on his head, frowning. “You seem to

come with me?” Caleb’s brows twisted together in a stern expression

glance at Samuel.

Samuel studied

before Kathleen

even asked the butler to prepare some fever-reducing medicine for


two headed upstairs to

on his bed,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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