All Too Late

Chapter 346

Chapter 346 Traitor 

"Why would I lie to you?"

Lauren looked at Gizem unhappily.She was feeling a little guilty.Gizem chuckled coldly.

"You’ve really regressed over the years." Lauren froze.

"The people from my organization told me that you are an expert at black magic.As it turns out, apart from the lovebug you cast on Samuel and Yareli, you’re not good at much else," Gizem said with a half-smile.

"Don’t you dare look down on me.I’m much better than you!" Lauren glared at her angrily.

However, Gizem merely responded with a smirk.She was better, but she wasn’t useful to the organization.

Gizem found it funny.

At this point, Lauren’s anger was rising.Gizem took a look at the time and realized it was almost time.She beckoned for Lauren to come over.

Lauren frowned.


"You said you would cooperate with me, right? Come over," replied Gizem with a faint smile.

Lauren hesitated for a moment before walking over.She murmured, "What are you up to?"

As she went over, Gizem ordered, "Turn around."Lauren was shocked.In a displeased tone, she asked, "Are you f*cking with me?"

"Hurry up!" Gizem barked coldly.

Lauren was unhappy, but she still did as she was told.She wrapped her arms around her elbows.

"I don’t know what you’re trying to do.If you were on your own, perhaps you could escape.However, you’re carrying a child now, so there’s no way—"

Before she could finish speaking, Gizem slammed a flower vase into Lauren’s head.


Lauren yelled and fell to the floor.Gizem threw the vase in her hand onto the floor.

"Finally, some peace and quiet." She was extremely annoyed.

Lauren wasn’t usually this chatty.Beside her, Desi clapped her hands.

"Mommy, that was great!" Gizem smiled.

"Cool, huh? I’ll teach you next time."

searched Lauren’s body.She took out the key

back of the kitchen.There was

got into the car too.However, there were no keys in the truck.Left with no choice, Gizem had to revert to the old-school technique of hot-wiring

started to turn on.She drove the truck


Gizem heard a gunshot behind

slam her foot on the

were people blocking them

shocked by the speed of the truck and didn’t dare to come

that, Gizem sped along

was a white

of the boat.She carried Desi down and

and the others were acting quickly

started the

like this, and she had no


gunshots sounded from

Desi to crouch down and not come up until

groaned.She reached up to touch her

knew she



Desi so much that

"Desi, be good.Don’t

nodded and shut her

couldn’t help but keep

The sound of the

see that multiple speedboats were surrounding them


one of the speedboats

realized that she couldn’t escape, she had no choice but

holding a gun.Without hesitation, he

gritted her teeth but made not a single sound, shielding Desi behind her.Meanwhile, Theodore

betray me?" In

I was never your apprentice.How can this

moment as his gaze


suspicious about what’s been happening around me."

"What do you mean?"

rarely use silver needles.You’re also an expert at poison.On the other hand, I am more skilled at saving


you’ve lost your memories,

Theodore snorted.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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