All Too Late

Chapter 272

Chapter 272 

Kathleen was puzzled. “So?” 

“So, I’m also a man who has feelings of jealousy and anger. Or do you seriously not care the slightest bit about me?” Caleb’s charming face was wearing a look of helplessness at the moment. 

“Didn’t you pursue me because you suspected that my brother hurt your sister? You” 

Before Kathleen could finish her sentence, Caleb pressed his cold finger on her pale lips and spoke solemnly. “I’m serious, Ms. Johnson. So, please don’t ignore my feelings. Okay?” 

She frowned deeply. 

He was gentle as he looked at her. “You look like you didn’t get a good night’s sleep, so head to my room and get some sleep. I’ll investigate the case of Samuel’s poisoning, and promise to give you an explanation.” 

“I’m not tired. Caleb, you’re not my type. I only stayed to help you for Vivian’s sake. Please don’t get me wrong.” Kathleen’s voice was faint and glacial. 

With that, she turned to leave. 

Caleb stood rooted to the spot and narrowed his eyes. As he stared at Kathleen’s figure, a cold smile spread across his face 

Is she trying to make me give up? In her dreams! 

In truth, Kathleen was indeed exhausted. 

She returned to the car and slept inside. 

When Samuel drove over to the Lewis residence and got off the car, he saw Kathleen sleeping in the car. 

He wondered why she wasn’t resting in the room, but he didn’t want to disturb her sleep, so he stood by the car and lit a cigarette. 

“Mr. Macari, is it really okay for you to pester your ex-wife like this? She told me before that you’re sticking to her like the plague and she can’t avoid you no matter what she does.” Caleb approached. 

Samuel shot daggers at him. “Do you even have the right to talk to me about this?” 

Caleb froze upon hearing that. 

“If you don’t, you should just shut up. Know your place.” The gleam in Samuel’s eyes was frosty. 

Caleb mocked, “Samuel, if Kathleen is still in love with you, she wouldn’t have thrown herself into my arms.” 

Samuel snorted. “Thrown herself into your arms? She’s not in love with you.” 

Caleb stared at him indifferently. “How do you know she’s not? The truth is that I’m way better than you. At least I was never blind.” 

merely glowered at Caleb and

the man. All he wanted was to

standing there, strode over and grasped the collar of his fine white shirt. “Samuel Macart, you’re really annoying, you know

eyes turned Icy ‘She’d never do something like that.”

moment, the car window was wound

and asked, “What are you guys

are they fighting

we’re dating. Why don’t you tell him yourself?” Caleb narrowed his eyes.

abstinent and elegant face. “Samuel, Caleb’s right. We are indeed dating.”

you think I’ll believe

Caleb let

and stood in

“Samuel, from now on, we have nothing to

flashed across Samuel’s gaze as his eyes

refused to believe that Kathleen would

This is

paused and stood on her tiptoes before planting a kiss on Caleb’s cheek. She

color drained from Samuel’s

the other hand, was dumbfounded but overjoyed at the same

stared at Kathleen

on me? I’m so tired. I fell in love with you

her and said hoarsely, “Okay, I understand now. I won’t

was nothing else he could do

so much that it felt like his heart was

He just couldn’t 

saw a red dot land on the back of

something, but Kathleen grasped his hand and shook her head fervently winodiately understood wity Kathleen had said

in her eyes. “It’s a pity that he won’t think of you as his


does she mean?

to see

latter saw her grim expression, he

man’s preparing to take action. He promised to give me three years’ time. Ask him what’s the meaning of this! If he dares to break his promise, I’ll never let him off. The worst that could happen is

brows. “Godfather won’t do

if he dares touch Samuel, I’ll make him pay” Her voice was glacial.

call and ask him,” said

snorted. She was genuinely


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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