I threw my last bag in the trunk of the very expensive car that was sent to pick us up.

The two men that came to collect us were much nicer than I expected them to be. They only became professional when we were talking business, but then they were back to being cool and collected.

This made me more suspicious about them. Why were they so nice?

"All set?" The one whose name I learnt was Ryan asked with a smile on his face. I gave him a short nod as I went to say my goodbyes.

I made my way to Jace and Jane first, giving each of them a bone crushing hug.

Jace was the eldest of us all, and I had the weirdest crush on him when I was younger, so I was always awkward around him. However, I don't think he ever noticed, so the awkwardness was always one-sided. Nonetheless, we all grew up together as a family, and so he was very much dear to me.

Jane, on the other hand, was more than family. That made it much harder to say good-bye to her than anyone else--even my dad.

"You make sure you come back to me in one piece" Jane mumbled in my neck as she squeezed the breath from my lungs.

"I'll be back, don't worry. The four months will pass in no time, you'll see." I mumbled in a small voice. I release her shortly after, shooting her a quick reassuring smile before escaping swiftly. I loved her, but I'd be in a Jane-hug for days if I didn't get out of there.

I went to Beta Phillip next, and he openly welcomed me in a warm hug. It was quite unusual, given that we never show affection in this family. You just know the love is there.

"Make me proud" Was all he said as he gently kissed my hair.

I most definitely will.

He passed me to Rose, Jane's mom, and we said our awkward goodbyes next. It only felt weird because neither of us were good at goodbyes. But in the end, she uttered a few encouraging words before bidding me farewell. I appreciated each word she said, reminding me the great responsibility I had to this pack.

Finally, I went face to face with my dad, and I oddly felt like crying. I knew it won't be easy for Aiden and I to live in a foreign place where there was no one to look out for us like my dad did. Just being there on the edge of good-bye reminded me how hard this mission could be.

"Be brave, strong and bold" He whispered in my hair as I hugged him. "Make us proud, even though I'm already proud of you guys. Look out for your brother, don't let him get too caught up okay?" I nodded, knowing just what he meant.

Aiden had a tendency of going a little overboard, especially when things weren't going his way. But despite that fact, if anyone could complete this mission, it's him. All he will need is a little self control.

He kissed my hair as I whispered my goodbye, quickly wiping my tears before heading to the car.

Aiden and the two friendly strangers were patiently waiting, conversing about something I couldn't hear.

My brother was never the type to give hugs and kisses unless it was with me, so he just oddly waved at everyone as we loaded the car.

be long, probably an hour and a half max. I couldn't tell where

one asked. Aiden and I shared

is Roxy. Didn't your Alpha inform

information about our visitors until he meets them personally first." Ryan informed

me when he said the Alpha's name though. Maybe it

Yea that's it.

the man who's yet to be identified. I wasn't being friendly, I

awkwardly smiled at him. It then dawned on me that I didn't sense in his scent that he was Beta blood, but my mind was

like ours, I'll be living with this man for the next four months. He seemed fine,

are they being so nice?"~

are actually nice?"~ It came of more of a question than a statement as I considered

should keep


reason. She felt as if she could trust them. I know our wolf's instincts were what kept our species

a beautiful town-like area. I felt a pang of jealousy run through me as I thought about how luxurious they were all living, while our pack land was half broken down and barely making

biggest building in the pack, and

best to repair the damage that was made 18 years ago, and even with the work he's done,

through me for a second as I wondered if we could really take this pack. I knew that our father built up the warrior team and more, but can we

for Roxy, to find

mentally slapped myself for doubting everything we've worked

see him with the same expression as mine, except his was filled with determination, contrasting the doubt I had. Of course, seeing the

places, telling us what they are and where we can go when we

pulled through a long driveway, leading to a huge house that I assumed was the Alpha house since it didn't look like a pack house. We jumped out the car simultaneously, as we stared mesmerized at the house we would be staying in for the next four

around our age ran through, coming towards us with excitement written all over her face. After a couple seconds, I noticed she was

my gosh another girl! It's so nice to meet you" She squealed as she let me go. "I'm

a smile as he grabbed her in for a hug. I concluded

When we were informed that we were having trainee warriors, I didn't know there was gonna be a girl!" She stated excitedly as they

sorry but I tried to keep her inside" A man, I assumed was the third in command, rushed out as we entered. "But she looked through the window and

appreciate how informal these people were. They were the heads of the

smile took over his face


same" I mumbled lowly as I pulled my hand from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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