It has been two whole days since we got here, and I've managed to keep myself scarce.

We weren't supposed to start 'training' until next week, since this week was meant for us to get familiar with the place.

Only 48 hours and I wanted to leave the house already. If only I had listened to Aiden's suggestion about finding new housing arrangements, because now I know living here for four months will be nearly impossible.

My wolf has been nagging me which only led to a constant never ending headache. How will I ever stay focused on my mission when she wont stop being difficult?

He wasn't making it any easier either. Every couple hours he would walk past my room, stopping a few seconds before leaving again.

Last night, I could've sworn he was sitting outside my bedroom door. His scent was becoming suffocating, and I never thought it would be this hard to resist him.

I knew I was hurting him, and I'm sure it's ten times worse for him than it was for me. All I wanted to do was complete this mission and leave, but I couldn't help the part of me that wanted to make it all better for both of us too.

But I couldn't, and it was eating away at me.

I had to clear my mind.

I couldn't bring myself to talk to Aiden since I promised him that this wouldn't affect me, and I didn't trust anyone here enough to talk to them either. So I had to call the one person who I was sure will know exactly what to say.

"I told you this would happen! Now you have to deal with it" Jane snickered in the line. I rolled my eyes with a face palm at her amusement which I didn't understand.

"What do you mean I have to deal with it?" I whined. " I called you so you could tell me what to do. Not tell me that you told me so"

She can't be for real.

"Rox a mate bond is sacred. There's no way you can resist him that long. I give you three more days" She said, the smirk evident in her tone.

"Are you forgetting why I'm even here? Why are you joking about this? I'm supposed to come through for us all, not fall for the enemy" I sighed. "Jane, you know better than anyone how much this means to me. If I get involved with him there's no way I can complete my mission"

There was silence on the other end of the line after I spoke, and I knew I hit the nail on the head.

"I'm sorry Roxy, you know how mate talk gets me excited... But you're right, this is too important. Look, he's your mate and it's your choice to choose your priorities. I wouldn't judge you if you choose him" She sighed. "But if you're truly sure about this, the only way you'll survive is if you reject him. I wasn't joking about giving you three days.'' She ended and my heart felt like someone was squeezing all the blood from it.

I have to reject him? Just the thought made me want to gag.

I've heard stories about rejections. If the wolf that rejects their mate truly doesn't want him/her, it will be painless but the other wolf feels everything. How can I do that to him?

Plus, I knew deep down that I wanted him too somewhere behind all the ego, pride and determination. If it were other circumstances, I knew that we'd be together right now.

So if I should reject him, I would feel that pain too. But just the thought of hurting him makes my eyes water.

I couldn't understand my attraction to this man that I didn't even know. I barely talked to the guy yet here I am, ready to cry over him.

‘Just remember what they did to your people Roxy. Just remember the cause. You can do this,’  my subconscious urged. I have been listening to her for the past two days, but eventually she might lose.

"Roxy are you there?" Jane asked through the phone, reminding me that I was talking to her.

"Yea sorry. I just have a lot to think about" I admitted truthfully, running my hands through my hair in frustration.

"I'm sorry this had to happen Rox. You of all people deserve nothing but happiness. I hope you make the choice that will make you happy"

you updated. Oh and please don't tell anyone"

care love" She

small simper took over my lips as I thought about Jane. She would joke around,

threatening me with her growls. I knew if I went through with the rejection she will make it her duty to ensure that I flunk this mission. I also knew that if I didn't go through with it, there was no chance of

to the small balcony attached to my room that

bar, taking in the beautiful forest and land. The birds flew by happily as if they had no care in the world, and I relished in the serene sangfroid that replaced

already relaxed, loving how just a hint of nature can make us feel 100x better. I watched in the distance as some pups play-fought, already building up their technique for when they

room for two days hasn't been helping either, so I concluded that breaking a little sweat was

my hair in a low bun and slowly opened the door, peeping to see if Mr

bump into him. I successfully reached the kitchen without being spotted, silently

sitting in at the kitchen island, causally

come down for breakfast or dinner, even though I normally take it to my

some extra sandwiches if you want" Lilly offered sweetly. I actually felt hungry, so I took one and quietly nibbled

realized that I was already failing my mission. We

the gym. I would like to have

take you but you have to get permission from Ace first"

permission from him?" I didn't see why it was necessary, but

you guys are leaving the house. If anything happens to you guys under his

myself" I

have to obey his orders. He's in his office, I'm sure he won't deny your request" He

Okay matchmaker.

was trying really hard to stay away from him, and I could

I noticed that they must've been wondering why I didn't want

I mumbled as I

Roxy" Lilly called out before I reached the door. I nodded, remembering

was ever going get any better at this, I had

but I knew that accepting him wouldn't be smart either.

too hard.

that he told me I could find

he called sternly, and I reluctantly

and in place. If Aiden and I will ever have to search through here, we would have to be very careful to arrange

know it was me?"

knew you were mine"

towards me, but I stepped back as he got closer. He caught my movement and

grateful that he was so patient. Many Alpha's wouldn't have accepted

help you with? Are you finally ready to talk?" He asked with hope filled eyes. I simply shook my

gym for a workout, but Calum said I had

to keep my feet in place so that I didn't do something to make

as if he

can take you there," he said suggestively,

okay, I'm sure you have work to do" I tried to

not as important as you.

want you to take me" I

permission" he shot back

gonna be like that?" I squinted my eyes challengingly, but he simply mimicked my gesture. A small smirk curved on his plump lips as if he was enjoying the moment.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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