The week has been better.

My heart hasn't been bleeding and my wolf hasn't been whining, which meant I hadn't been having headaches.

Things with Ace have been good so far. He hasn't been pushy and I liked that. Maybe he thought that my earlier statement about not wanting a mate was true, and so he doesn't want to throw it all on me at once.

And I was grateful.

It's not that I don't want him, but merely because I still didn't know how to balance my two lives, and taking it too far with Ace too quick will only make me more distracted.

Aiden was still weary of it all, but he seemed to be happy that I was kinda happy. It warmed my heart that he was somehow supporting me despite the fact that I hadn't been honest all along. But nonetheless, he was still 100% mission.

Yesterday he informed me that we would have to start digging around soon, and knowing Aiden, his soon was less than two days. I still hadn't made any progress with my plan, but I made a promise to Aiden that we would execute mission as originally planned.

So as much it hurt me to be going behind Ace's back, I had to until I figured out a way to save my people and my relationship.

I threw open the door to my balcony that I've come to love, while the cool Saturday breeze whipped my hair all about. I pulled it into a high bun and watched as the birds sped by in their swirls of freedom. I smiled at the thought. Their life seemed so open and adventurous, free to roam without a care in the world. Just being happy with the ones they love, or even alone.

I aspire to be like a bird one day.


It was sometime around ten in the morning, given that I got to sleep in today. Zack informed us yesterday that we would be getting weekends off, courtesy of my mate.

Aiden and I didn't protest. To Aiden, weekends off meant that we had more time to snoop around and study the people here. To me, it meant more time with Ace, whom I've come to love being around every time when we weren't occupied. I suspected that it was the same reason why he had us take the weekends off.

But here I was once again, stuck between using the new free time to be with Ace or Aiden. This double life was really getting tiring.

My stomach growled, letting me know it needed to be filled, so I ventured off to the kitchen to get food. I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, with some black coffee. I wasn't tired, but I felt in need of an energy booster.

Slowly and quietly I ate, while I scrolled through some random posts on pinterest, laughing ever so often at something I found funny.

"Good morning" I looked up from my phone and beamed at Ace, as he gently kissed my temple. I blushed slightly at the gesture, loving the way it made my body feel.

Throughout the week he'd give me small kisses on my forehead, cheeks or temple, and hug me once in a while. I loved how the skin to skin contact with him made me feel, but I never initiated anything.

It wasn't that I didn't want to, I was just a shy person.

"Want one? " I asked, gesturing towards the sandwich that he was eying.

"No thanks, I already ate" I gave him a weird and confused look, since I didn't know why he was looking at it. He chuckled softly.

"I want to take you somewhere, but I can wait until you're done"

I suddenly got excited at the thought of going somewhere other than the training grounds, so I quickly gulped down the rest of my breakfast, which didn't go unnoticed by Ace, making him laugh a little.

"Ready? " I asked and jumped from my seat.

"As long as you are"

We walked at a steady pace through the forest, laughing now and then at something funny that Ace would say. Around everyone else he was kinda stern, but with me he was always chill and vibrant.

Out of nowhere, he scooped my up, throwing my legs around his waist and holding my back. A yelp of surprise escaped my lips, which was followed by a bellowing laugh.

This was why I enjoyed being around him. He always made me somehow forget my messed up life.

He asked as he started to walk again. I giggled as he kissed the tip of

fast enough" I nuzzled my face in his neck to

blame a man for having needs" He slapped my bum softly, making me yelp in surprise once again. But instead of feeling strange or uncomfortable, I laughed in delight, trying to

I wasn't looking at him, I knew it affected

intimate, nor have I ever had thoughts about it. But I've come to


me that he was having the same thoughts as me. I giggled at how much I affected him,

did your mind wander off to? " I asked, biting my lip.

words, which once again made me laugh loudly and the waves

I turned to see where he took me. My laughter immediately ceased as I gaped at the sight in front

A narrow path was cut out in the middle of the beautiful meadow, stopping in front of a small stream that didn't look more than a

walked more into the area, taking in all that

more trees like what we just emerged from, making the area

appeared out of nowhere, but it went far down into nothingness. I suspected that it led to the river that marked the border of my pack, but that's the thing with


me from behind. I leaned into his


was angry one day, so I went for a run and stumbled into this. I've come here ever since whenever I'm angry, sad or just want to be relaxed." He told me,

peaceful and..... free" I whispered again, this time

or without me, and do whatever you want to." He caressed my cheek with

His eyes lit up with excitement at my question. He cocked his head

saying anything else, I stepped away from him and pulled my shirt off. His eyes widened in shock, and I even shocked myself for not

back to him and unclasped my bra. I didn't have to, but I was completely out of my mind today

heard a low growl from him, and soft footsteps

I ran and shifted into my


been thinking wasn't what

slow steps towards me. I closed the distance between us, and he immediately

brightly as he ran his other


over our white coat. Aiden and I were the same

him. He

a chance to completely drool over his rock hard abs

wolf seconds after; his toned skin now

significant amount. Even though I was Alpha blood and my wolf was large, Alpha males are always

time our wolves would be meeting, and it was obvious that

he did was lick my nose continuously, which I followed shortly after. In my mind

circled me. Getting tired, I laid flat on my belly. His wolf took me

that the male wolf would always find the need to groom his mate, but it was

jumped up and ran off into the meadow, hanging my tongue out

up fast, chasing me through the

a few minutes of playing, I got tired and went for a drink

as if he'd just started, darting after me once again. I shrieked in surprise,

or if I've ever had so much fun. I felt like I hadn't got a care in the

adventurous and vibrant. Bold

happy and free,


sat comfortably under a tree in front of the clearing, with his back against the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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