I rolled to the side of my bed, being met with nothing but mountains of blankets.


"Ace? "


I waited but there was no answer.


"Aceee? " I dragged a little louder than before, but still no answer.


There was a light throb in my head, and I slowly opened my eyes. I had to squint as the light beamed through the slightly opened curtains, and I saw that it was no doubt around ten in the morning.


I dragged myself to my bathroom and grabbed a few pills to ease my pain, then I proceeded to cleanse my mouth. I dared myself to meet my gaze in the mirror, and I actually flinched at the sight of my own face.


Sad, I know.


My face was pale, my eyes were puffy and my hair was everywhere. So, I attempted to tame my messy locks and applied some witch hazel to my eyes to reduce the puffiness.


Going back to my room, I noticed a white card sitting on my nightstand, and I saw that it was a note from Ace.


*I've gone to do some work, but the minute you wake up just link me and I'll be there. Don't hesitate Roxy*


But of course, I hesitated.


In fact, I had a mini panic attack when I remembered how I cried for hours last night, not once uttering a word to Ace. I could feel his emotions top notch, and it was pure pain, sadness and confusion as he held me. I knew it was killing him not knowing the real reason for my breakdown, but I also knew he didn't want to upset me more by asking me what was wrong.


So he simply stayed with me, uttering sweet nothings now and then and rubbing my skin soothingly. I didn't know when I fell asleep but I'm glad I did.


What I was worried about was telling Ace what was really wrong with me. I knew I had to tell him everything, but Aiden's little stunt was never supposed to be a part of it.


I was already scared about what Ace would do when he learned the truth. Not to mention going ahead and adding another thing for him to be pissed about.


When I finally gathered enough courage to go find him instead of making him come to me, I quickly reached out to Aiden in our mindlink, but it wasn't there. He didn't shut me out or anything, he was just too far away. More than forty miles away.


That only meant he listened to me and went home. By now dad probably knows everything.


I checked my phone and indeed, I had a ton of missed calls and messages from dad, Jane and Phillip. This was more than enough confirmation for me to know that I had to find Ace.


Guessing that the only place he would be was his office, I quickly made my way down the familiar hall. My feet felt heavier with each step and my heart beat faster by the second.


What if dad already called him?


What if something happened to Aiden?


What if Ace hates me after I tell him everything?


I pushed away the doubt that was creeping up my neck and clawing at my throat and I pushed his office door open without knocking. But again, he wasn't there.


Deciding I had no time to waste, I quickly linked him telling him that I was in his office. I also noticed that I was yet to have breakfast, which can't be healthy for the baby, so I told him to bring me an apple too.


me that he was on his way, so I decided


feet kept shaking. I also noticed that my senses were heightened


half hidden word that


Silent Moon Pack.


was a folder about


My breath hitched as I glanced over each


wished I didn't come here at all. I wished I had never met Ace the way I did. In a


some stupid Alpha meeting or gathering. I wished someone had caught me running past my border into his land and brought me


me just proved that


dad eighteen years ago. The second document


to offer to my dad, for the


signed and stamped by Ace. Only my father's signature


mate right? Of course he would've wanted to do all this to make me happy and willing to live


do I say I didn't deserve him? Because all of these documents were made before I met Ace. The proof was there printed in bold black


for me, he was doing it because it was right and he


we were, going to take something by force that he was gonna give willingly.


tray of breakfast in his hand. And to think, I only


don't deserve


he took in my teary face. I wasn't crying, I just allowed the tears


"Roxy what's wrong? "


my face, regarding me worriedly. I shook my head and tried to look anywhere but his eyes, but he kept my face


great for me. I've never done any good thing for you and I don't deserve you


he gently forced my face to his so he could look me in the eye. He sweetly placed a lingering kiss on my lips before continuing. "All you have given me from the minute I met you was pure joy inside, knowing that I've found you. And you have given me so much more than you could imagine. Now what is


on the table. His eyes followed to where it sat and a small smile


I see you've found my




the tray full of food in front of me, before gesturing for me to sit


can't eat


know you've been upset since last night, but you have to eat Roxy. You need


eat the food. He then proceeded to tell me about his little


information I dug up about my pack lands, and all the information I found regarding the


mouth full of bacon, but Ace only rubbed my


the war that I don't know yet, but what I do know is that I had to give back your dad what's his. My dad really had no reason keeping those people and the land. I don't know




you, it was just a cherry on top. It made me want to do it more and faster, so I was gonna reveal it to you when you and Aiden's four months were over. You see Roxy, I was never good with surprises, hence




you saw it two months early, I really hope it makes you happy. I know you were affected by this war as




breaking off a piece of toast


I hope it can cheer you up a bit


gulp of my orange juice and finally turned fully to him. He had an expectant


you. " I admitted desperately. He shifted on his desk as he watched me expectantly. I knew he saw


"I'm listening "


Aiden didn't give

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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