Chapter 63 – Meeting Sinclair’s Wolf
“How are you feeling?” Sinclair asks, standing in the doorway of my bedroom. The wild hunt is tonight, and I know he’s not merely asking about my morning sickness or fatigue.
“Nervous.” I confess. “Do you think…” I trail off, blushing and unsure if I can actually speak the question I need to ask.
“What is it Ella?” He inquires, coming forward with an encouraging smile.
you think I could see your wolf before we go tonight, just so that I’ll recognize it when I see you?” I whisper, barely loud enough to hear myself, but knowing Sinclair’s wolf ears will be more than capable of picking up on the sound. And so I won’t be scared. I add silently in my
“Of course.” He chuckles, “That’s a great idea. I should have thought of it myself.”
His powerful hands move to the buttons on his shirt, and I find myself taking a step back. What are you doing?”
“You wanted to see my wolf, I don’t want to ruin this shirt.” He shrugs. “It’s one of my favorites.”
“Right.” I breathe, “Right, of course.”
He continues stripping off his clothes, and I work hard to avert my gaze. So far I’ve been very successful in avoiding temptation by not looking at his body in these vulnerable moments, and I’m not about to change that now on the day when it’s more important than ever that we practice self control.
“Does it hurt, shifting?” I ask, staring at my fidgeting fingers.
“It does the first time.” Sinclair shares, “The first time is almost unbearable, it takes hours. and hours, but once you’ve gotten it over with it happens fast as lightning, too quickly for you to feel the pain of your bones breaking and rearranging.”
“That sounds ghastly.” I feel suddenly lightheaded, “How old are you when you shift the first time?”
“It’s a little different for everyone most make the change when they go through puberty.” Sinclair informs me, pulling off his trousers.
Already I’m thinking of my baby – my son eventually suffering through this sort of grisly shift, and I don’t like it one bit. “What was yours like, was anyone with you?” I squeak.
“Mine was as painful as anyone else’s. But my father was with me, he got me through it, just like I’ll do for our son.” He states, a promise in his voice.
supportive presence for Sinclair, and I know he’ll be the same. “I suppose… I probably wouldn’t be allowed to help?”
Sinclair offers me a tender smile. “No sweet Ella. I’m afraid it would be much too dangerous.” He comes forward, taking my face in his oversized hands. This is probably the first time he’s ever been unclothed when I’m not, and I’m amazed at
“Yes, sorry.” I flush.
“Don’t apologize.” He murmurs, “and don’t get close to me until after I’ve shifted, you don’t want to be within reach of my claws when I make the transformation.”
I nod wordlessly, my pulse pounding in anticipation. Sinclair backs away from me, holding my gaze the same way he did last night at the stone circle. I keep my eyes on him, watching with horrified fascination as he ensures he’s not near anything breakable, then disappears. There’s a loud cra ck and the air seems to go blurry, I even feel a bit nauseous trying to keep track of the rapid movement. However when my eyes adjust and I’m able to take in the familiar room again, I see that where Sinclair was standing a moment before, now there is only a huge, black wolf with glowing green eyes.
The wolf, who is much, much too large far larger than any natural wolf and probably almost as tall as I am gives me an affronted look, as if I’ve insulted him gravely.
“I’m sorry, not a bear!” I quickly amend, still trying to reconcile the fact that the beast in front of me is actually the man who spends every night wrapped around me like a very muscular heated blanket. “But how are you bigger as a wolf than you are as a man!”
He huffs and rolls his eyes, sitting on the rug and waiting patiently for me to recover from my shock
“I mean honestly, I could ride
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!