Chapter 244 – Sinclair Visits a War Zone


“Dominic, this isn’t fair, I want to come!” I’m staring down my mate as he pulls on his shoes, my arms crossed stubbornly over my chest. I have to fight to hide my yawn from him, as I’m barely awake. The sun isn’t even up yet, but Sinclair looks as alert and energetic as ever. His adrenaline is probably surging already, as he’s leading the summit delegations on an excursion to the embattled continent this morning.

My wolf is furious with Sinclair for ordering us to stay behind, even though I know I can’t fly now that I’m into my fifth month of pregnancy. The summit is as much my baby as it is my mate’s, and I don’t want to be left out on one of the most crucial events of the entire endeavor. Not to mention that I want to go for our people as well, all the ones still languishing in fear and uncertainty about whether they’ll be able to escape. I want to help them, speak with them and learn their needs – to comfort them if it’s possible.

Unfortunately Sinclair doesn’t look the least bit sympathetic. Last night I shared the news of my mother’s location with him, and he did not take it well. He shifted on the spot and went for a run, working through his feelings before finally returning and claiming me with all the ferocity he possessed. Afterwards he agreed to let me go, but he obviously wasn’t happy about it.

“Pout all you want, trouble. I’m not taking you into a war zone,” Sinclair declares sternly, “surely you realize how strongly I feel about this if I’m willing to let you out of my sight?”

He has a point. Ever since we decided that finding my mother was too urgent to delay, he’s been like my giant, furry shadow. His protective instincts are in such a state of overdrive that I’m reminded of the early days of my pregnancy, when he growled and snarled at anyone who so much as looked at me.

“But I should be there, people need to see that we’re in this together!” I insist, stomping my little foot before I can think better of it.

Sinclair arches a brow and unfurls his huge body from the edge of the bed, towering over me. He stares into my wide eyes for a few long moments, probing our mating bond and reading my wolf’s stress all too easily. I wish I could hide it from him, but I can’t seem to withdraw my gaze from his piercing scrutiny. The truth is that underneath my genuine interest in the trip, there’s a churning sea of anxiety over the fact that he will be going into a war zone without me. My wolf hates this more than anything, no matter how inevitable the eventuality.

Seeing this, Sinclair’s foreboding expression softens to something unbearably tender. “This will be good practice, little mate.” He murmurs, pulling me close. “Neither one of us likes it, but we’re going to be separated one way or another. You have to find your mother, and I have to fight Damon.” He sighs, kissing my temple. “The timing is terrible, but we can’t control that. We just have to get through it.”

“How?” I ask, in a voice so small I barely recognize it.

bond. “If we can just get through today then we’ll be together again this evening. And when it comes time for you to leave, then we just have to remember that every day we’re apart is one day closer to being

was going to be hard… I just didn’t realize it

even tighter now. “But it’s different this time… and it’s for the best. I won’t be able to focus on

he’s right, but

I’m coming after you.” I

he promises, kissing my hair four times in quick succession. “You have my word, Ella.



war began I told myself that when I finally came home, it would be to defeat Damon once

miles away, which hurts to no end, but at least I know that I’m doing what’s best for them no matter the distance. It feels different to turn my back on my people when they languish here alone, for how can

out with a mix of joy, relief and desperation. They beg for my help, cry out questions about my plans for the war, beseech me to overthrow Damon and pledge their lives to the struggle. It’s all so overwhelming, and I’m not the only one who feels this

refugees and the ones they met in Vanara, but this experience feels entirely different. These people are

the crowds, listening to their stories with grave expressions. “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.” I confess to the soldier. “I want

replies simply. “These people are thrilled to see you, no doubt, but they know you can’t be here and plan

us that private conversations are impossible, not that I mind. “Trust me, Alpha. We don’t want you here

a young boy leaning against her legs. “Is

of those planes today.” The she-wolf requests, a

you?” I ask the boy, “would you like to

with a confused frown,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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