Chapter 247 – To War


I’m dying.

The strength and determination it requires to stay serious in the face of Kieran’s announcement is staggering. I want nothing more than to roll on the floor laughing, but something tells me that doing so would undermine this victory.

I can feel Sinclair’s mirth through our bond, though he looks as cool and intimidating as ever. You brilliant, devious, glorious little minx! His voice sounds in my mind, full of all the laughter missing from his face.

I send him an elated giggle in return. The only thing better than getting to see how embarrassed he is by that delivery, is knowing that Damon is getting the blame. I share, my pulse racing with excitement. You notice Kieran didn’t tell him no? He asked about strategy and ‘didn’t commit’, but he never refused him… how much do you want to bet he was genuinely considering the option before getting so mercilessly insulted?

trouble. I

such an odd mood today. I reflect, wishing this dinner would end so we can go

pledges. The momentum is on our side, and Kieran was our most difficult sell – if he’s on board it’s only a matter of time for the others to join as well. We can both feel that this

as well. “I admit, I have my opinions about the way you handled this, Kieran.” He begins, giving the other wolf a piercing look. “But I cannot fault the conclusion at which you have arrived. I was inclined to lend my support to this effort from the beginning, but this week has surpassed anything I could have imagined.” His gaze swings to me, “Ella, your wisdom and grace – your compassion for all those affected by Damon’s violence and greed – is an inspiration. You are living evidence of the Goddess’s wishes for our future, but you are more than that too, because I’m certain that you would never join an unworthy cause. To oppose you would be to oppose

your caliber – unless perhaps it is your son.” He allows with a genial smile, nodding to my

convince me to oppose the usurper.” His countenance hardens as he surveys the other pack leaders, many of whom are nodding in agreement. “Any wolf who would cause his people such torment is not fit to lead. Any Alpha who would risk the existence of all shifters by breaking the secrecy pact – who has overturned our way of life for the last thousand years – cannot be allowed to gain power. And any King whose avarice is so great that he cannot be content with a single empire, will turn on his allies as

intention of letting him spread that nightmare any farther than he’s already managed. We must do whatever is in our power to defeat him, so I too pledge my allegiance to Dominic

are the only ones seated, and I think we’re all a little surprised by the sudden wave of support. I suppose this has been building all along and it’s just been difficult to read because of their expert poker faces, but then again, maybe today was a turning

to make a speech. You kind of stole my thunder, Ethan.” The group laughs heartily, and Sinclair gracefully rises, buttoning his suit jacket as he raises his glass. “I must admit I’m incredibly moved by your support. I’m infinitely grateful to have your allegiance, and I vow that I will do everything in my power to honor your sacrifices and live up to your expectations.”

was not the monster he is, that he was not such a threat. I wish that he hadn’t cost us all the lives he’s stolen and destroyed.” Sinclair’s eyes are shining now, and I send him a flood of encouragement, needing to overwhelm his guilt with support. “But I could not wish for better allies than the wolves in this room, and I promise to never take you, or your people for granted. My hope is for our refugees to leave your shores one day soon, but I assure you that even after we

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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