” Well, it looks like you and I are the only bachelors left in this place , ” Cora commented to Gabriel , watching Isabel and James in their far corner of the table . Thankfully, they weren’t as obvious about their romance of her as her sister was of her and Sinclair .to whom one could easily be shocked if the couple did not realize that they had an audience . Isabel and James , on the other hand , had been snuggled together for the better part of an hour , close but not really touching . really his _Proximity isn’t what gave them away it was their laser focus on each other , not speaking or looking at anyone else . _ It was as if they were the only two people in the world . _

Cora felt a pang of jealousy and immediately forced her away , embarrassed by the ugly emotion . Instead , she tried to concentrate on her conversation with the king . ” Excuse me , but I happen to be dating a very handsome wolf named Thomas . “. Gabriel replied , not sounding annoyed in the least by her assumption of him.

” Oh . ” Cora frowned , obviously disappointed to learn that even the Vanaran king was also part of a couple now . ” I’m sorry , I should n’t have assumed , ” she sincerely apologized , even as questions welled up in the back of her head.mind . NamelyWhen had he become so sentimental that the sight of just one happy couple could make his heart overflow with longing ? What learning about another could make her boil with envy ?

” Okay . ” _ Gabriel assured him : “ It is intentional . I prefer people to keep guessing about my love life . ”

Cora concentrated enough to sneer sympathetically , ” Yeah , I ‘d imagine there are a hundred too many opinions on that particular subject . ” _

” You can say that again .” Gabriel chuckled , taking a sip of his wine from him . Then , a mischievous expression appeared on his face in the form of a small , secret smile as if he was about to admit something he should n’t . goes_ good though _ Someday soon I hope to make it official . _ _ ”

Cora forced herself to smile . Congratulations ! _ “ To make a relationship official in the world of shapeshifters meant a formal claim : another mating ceremony . She tried to hide the sudden , inexplicable pain that swallowed her insides from her , silently wondering if she was freaking out … or maybe about to get her period . She was never so moody and she could n’t understand it . _ _

“ Thank you , but if it happens it will be after the war . Gabriel replied , visibly recanting her own hopes of him in favor of realistic expectations . _ _ _ _ _

” Are you sure ? Cora asked , nodding at James and Isabel . _ _ ” Maybe they have the right idea , bond while you can . ” _ _ _ _

were the worst of all . _ Cora she knew that there were never guarantees in life , and she knew especially the

asked suddenly , worry

just need a moment . Some fresh air . ” _ She gasped , pushing her chair back . He met Ella’s concerned gaze and shook his head to make sure she

stiffly for the balcony doors and ran out onto the terrace . The gardens were still decorated from the night before , though they were much quieter now . Courtiers and delegations , all refugees willing and able to fight , _ _everyone was home preparing for war . _ Those who weren’t were back in the dining room trying to enjoy what little time they had left together . Cora descended into the maze of plants , sucking in great gulps of air as her awareness of her cruelly narrated.the scene

! ” , she scolded herself . “ You’re being a brat .

Talking to yourself , little human ? A familiar and infuriatingly deep voice sounded behind

You know where I come from , it’s rude to stalk lonely women in the dark and

. “ No , no , we come from the same place and I don’t remember any rules like that . Also , is it a conversation if you are having

most private type of conversation . I answer haughtily , turning my nose towards the handsome wolf . _ _ _ ” So do us both a favor and run before you make things even more

mad because someone is happy . ” Cora crossed from _arms . on his chest From him, wishing he could kill this man with his eyes alone … then trying and snorting when the big wolf just chuckled . ” Come on , ” He encouraged , moving so close now that they were almost touching . _ _ _ ” Do you know

in the Tomorrow I want to thank you for being so

until her and Ella ‘s departure , and dreading them . She knew that saying this goodbye would be difficult , but she was also the one she wanted the most to get out of the way .

I see . ” Roger’s lips unfurled in an utterly devilish smile . “ I was wondering why you didn’t mention it .

You didn’t tell me what ? Cora snapped , not liking the

, his next logical targets are Ella and the baby . _ This possibility seemed to be confirmed when Kieran was approached by Damon , so we made arrangements to ensure additional security on his journey . “. Roger explained vaguely , looking like the cat that ate

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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