Chapter 315 – Determination


I gasp and quickly reach out my hand to clasp Roger’s. I feel that he is just as tense as I am as we

both sit on the end of the bed, staring at Cora.

Leon flicks his gaze to me and gives me a very subtle shake of his head and a tiny frown. It’s a small gesture, but the meaning is clear: I absolutely must not disturb Cora’s state. As a precaution, I raise a hand to my mouth and cover it, knowing that in the upcoming moments I may hear

details that make me react involuntarily.

Roger squeezes my other hand tightly as Leon continues.

“Cora,” Leon continues, curious. “I admit that I am intrigued by this man, this priest. Can you tell

me more about him? What details do you remember?”

“It’s…hard,Cora says, and I see her brow ruffle. “He…he didn’t want me to remember.”

“That’s very frustrating,” Leon continues, his voice like honey. “Just tell me what you see.”

“He’s tall,” Cora says, her frown deepening. “He has pale skin and dark hair…he’s not old, but not

young. His robe is black.” She gives a little shrug and huffs a sigh through her nose. I can see that

she’s frustrated, even in her hypnotic state.

“That’s all right, Cora, that’s wonderful detail,” Leon says soothingly. I hear Roger’s mouth pop

open and snap my head to him, but Leon holds up one finger towards us, begging patience while

he continues.

“What happened next, my dear?” Leon asks.

“He told me,” she says, sighing, “to destroy the sample in my hand – to wash it down the sink, and then discard the vial. And then, once I did that,” she sighs, almost peaceful again, “he had me go to the other freezer – the one with the shifter samples and to take out number 7285692. So I did. And then I prepared that, and tested it for motility, and when it was ready,” she shrugs, “I went into the exam room and helped Ella.”

“Thank you, Cora,” Leon says smoothly, smiling at her. “That is wonderful detail. You’ve

remembered it all so beautifully.” Then, he turns to Roger and nods, giving him permission to take control of the investigation.

“Cora,” Roger says, releasing my hand and crossing his arms over his chest. “Can you hear me?”

“Roger?” she asks, her eyes still closed. “What are you doing here in my lab?”

“I’m just…visiting…” he says awkwardly, clearly not very good at the kind of play acting that Cora’s

hypnosis requires.

not allowed to be back here,” she

a little, as if remembering that she had no protests about a strange man in

her will and made her switch

nudge with my elbow

clearly communicating that he needs to be nice to my

her fault.

to my terms. “Cora,” he continues, “what did

anything? Or do anything special with

the side and considering. “He simply…took my hands,

was a white light…and then he

took the sample,” Roger asks, “and you didn’t know to

her lap, looking if anything a

it was the right sample. I thought it was the donor.”

Leon murmurs reassuringly next to her.

comes onto her face.

the priest

with a little shrug. But then,

her closely, and then looks at me,

have hit on something here but…..perhaps,

wrong question.

she says, her voice a

up and moving to her side, sitting back down on the bed and taking her hand. I’m probably

voice wavering a

as I can. “You said you don’t remember seeing the man in the

did you ever

starting to tremble. She turns to

tightly. “Ella…”

I say, worried, glancing between her

her eyes flying open, and


are unending – she barely draws breath before the next one begins

working to

fumbles with the shot at her side, his hands shaking. But suddenly Roger

hands – leaning over and injecting Cora

she’s screaming, a sound

over Cora now, reaching for her face, calling her name – and then

screams subside, and she comes

to her cheeks as tears slip down her face. She looks at me,

starting to sob.

wrap my sister in my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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