Chapter 335 – Cora, How Could You?


My hands fly to my mouth, covering it in an attempt to hide my shock, but it’s not enough – Cora

can see my every emotion in my eyes and my body, which has gone still with shock. And as she

takes me in, seeing that my own thoughts are trending towards her worst fears

That Roger is, indeed, not going to have an easy time with this that it could very well spell the end of their very new relationship, especially as he has not yet given her his mark –

She bursts into tears, burying her face in her hands.

“Oh no!” I breathe, dropping my hands from my face and throwing my arms around her again. I’m so sorry, Cora! I didn’t mean it! It’s not that bad!”

“Yes it is!” she sobs. “He’s the only thing I want I know that now and he’s never going to be able to accept this –”

“Sure he is!” I assure her, hoping to hell that I’m right, but then I frown towards the door as if Roger is standing right on the other side of it. And I narrow my eyes, wondering if there’s somehow I can force him to go easy on her – maybe even to accept the baby as his own

But inwardly, my wolf turns around with anxiety. Not his baby, not for Roger, she says to me, pacing back and forth, he can’t feel that way about another man’s baby – his wolf will never accept it

And I scowl, knowing that my wolf is right somehow. She knows Roger well and has intuited that Roger is the kind of wolf who would feel his paternity on a very visceral level, who would need the blood link in order to feel connected to the child.

I know that it’s different with me – that adoption would be a very real possibility for me in the future, especially as I was myself an orphan. I understand it and could welcome a child not of my blood as my own. But Roger…

Passingly, I wonder where Sinclair falls along this line – I know that he treasures his biological connection to Rafe but would he –

Quickly, I dismiss the thought, turning my attention back to my poor sister, knowing that she needs my full attention right now. Slowly, I pull away from her and rub her back as she sobs. Then, as her cries start to lessen, I move my fingers to Cora’s wrists and pull her hands away from her face, making her look at me.

“Cora,” I whisper, shaking my head back and forth. “No matter what happens, you know I support you. I’ve got your back. Yes?”

Trembling a little, clearly still devastated, Cora nods. But I hold her gaze, communicating as

clearly to her as I can that we are going to find a way through this. To make this right. And I

decide, suddenly, that I’ve got to get her talking – have to get her out of her grief spiral and onto a plan. It would be best if I could get her a bit angry, determined – but, well, we’ll see where it goes.

“Cora,” I say again, taking her face in my hands. “How did this happen?”

And she begins to tell me everything, about how Roger stopped calling her after we came back home and god, I could kill him for that – and then all about the night she spent with Hank after the baptism, about how good Hank has been to her, and kind, and patient, and how she decided that even though she felt so intensely about Roger…

that idea in her head – that they


murmur. “This is all my fault.”

be there for me. And,” she laughs now, low and ironic. “And

I thinking, not using contraception? I’m a fertility doctor,


whip my head up at that. “Seriously, Cora,” I say, my eyes wide. “What were

then we both just stare at each other, and, quite suddenly,

on – and even though nothing about this is funny, not really, we can’t seem to

starts to

– desperate, humorless

of our sanity.

bent over, clutching her cramping stomach and wiping a

“It’s so not funny, Ella…”

I reply, my giggles still peeling from me. “I feel so horrible. It’s

the incredibly bad luck of it –”

slowly, we come back

I can see it in her

she knows that whatever happens she still has

worst, we’ll still find something to

taking her hand and giving her a sad little smile. “What

don’t know, Ella,” she sighs, holding my gaze steadily, her eyes a

to…keep it?” I ask, and I watch as her hand drifts to

I never thought much about being a mom. It was never on the table. And since Roger and I got together…it was


push her on it. “Have you told Hank?”

floor, she shakes her head. “I can’t be with him, Ella. We – we broke up. I did it, the day I went back to the clinic, after spending all that time at your house with Roger.” She looks up at me then, her expression grieved anew. “It was horrible. You know how stoic Hank is – he was so upset, but he was trying to hold it together…. I mean, I don’t know how I go back to him now and tell him

that she really doesn’t want to address. But I know that it’s time. “Cora,” I start, hesitating, “Roger has been…completely

blowing up my phone. But once I found out I was pregnant – honestly, I

Sinclair, needing his comfort, wanting his help, even if I’d done something that I knew was going to feel like a knife in his chest. After all, Cora didn’t mean for this to happen – and it happened before she

I had to tell him I was pregnant with someone else’s child, even if

imagining it… I reach out

out a little chirping cry as I stare at my sister

both spin to look at it,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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