Victoria's pov


He's here. A part of me was slightly relieved, but another part of me was pissed. Pissed that he took so long to come, in addition to the anger I was feeling towards my shitty ex-boyfriend. He really chose the wrong time to come.

"What is it with you men and your terrible late timing?" I asked, turning completely towards him. He could see that I was not in the mood.

" Yea sorry about that. I got carried away in my thoughts" He mumbled as he scratched his neck awkwardly. I simply stared at him in disbelief. That's his excuse?

"Okay" I simply said before making my way to my cotton candy.


"Yes okay Luka" I stopped to face him. "Look if you don't want to be friends, it's okay. You don't have to feel sorry for me and try to force a friendship you obviously don't want" I really wanted to get to know him and maybe help him, but you can't bring the horse to the water only to force him to drink.

Or however that saying goes.

He sighed again before explaining. "It's not that I don't want to be friends, Victoria. I just can't. It's just really hard to be" He admitted, looking defeated.

"Why? Why is it so hard?" He really caught my interest there. Why was it really?

"Can we go somewhere else to talk?" He asked nervously, and I nodded in agreement. Well this should be interesting.


Surprisingly Luka doesn't know many places in town, so I took him to Charlette's diner to talk. It was relatively quiet there, so we could talk without disruptions.

We sat in silence for a while before he chose to speak up.

"There's a lot of about me you don't know" No shit Sherlock.

I nodded, telling him to continue. "Some things you probably don't want to know..." He trailed, making eye contact with me as if warning me.

I wanted to know, but my mind wouldn't give me a rest until I found out

out, confusing me to the brink. What does that even mean? Weren't we all

it hit me--I swore I knew it all in that moment. It took a lot of thinking and reasoning, but it all

if you are a serial killer or in some mafia shit and your hiding from the police

talking about?" He asked,

town, and why you live in the woods. You're hiding aren't you? That Caleb dude, he's so protective. You're working for him aren't you? You tried to end it all and I stopped you. " I cursed under my breath. “You can't live with the guilt. You


I let two maniacs in my home and now they know where I live. They could take me captive anytime. It's not like I

not afraid" I finally concluded confidently. I couldn't show

He laughed a little. Well this is embarrassing. "I'm not a

blame me? He was so secretive and

as he watched me carefully, as if trying to read my mind. It's messed up

if he was running his hands through it continuously. His face looked a lot younger too. I noticed he shaved, making him look 10 years

to hold a story. Deep behind those silver pools was something more than just a charming,

that he doesn't know where to even start searching for that hope.

He said in a cocky tone,

"I was just-"

I get you anything?" I beamed up at Nick for saving me, though I was genuinely happy

you want anything?" I turned

by the way." He introduced, holding his hand out to Nick. I saw as he reluctantly took it as he glanced at me for a

turned on his heels and left, not before looking at me one more time though.

you right?" Luka pulled me

teenage crush.

have feelings

know when someone is hooked. And he is" He nudged his head in the

was right, it wouldn't happen. I'm not looking for

why it's 'hard' to be friends" I prolonged, attempting

that ever

I heard my voice coming out soft and gentle, trying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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