I took a deep breath as I thought deeply about What I was about to do. The last thing I wanted to do was leave without my mate, but i didn't want to get us both trapped here either.

Still, I knew I had to. So I put on my big girl panties, just when I felt Clarissa's reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"You've got this okay? Just be tough and show them that you need to find him. Just don't be sappy" She advised with a teasing smirk. I scoffed as I unbuckled my seatbelt and hopped from the car.

"I am a lot of things, but I am not sappy" I adjusted my hair so that it looked a bit more messy and tore a large slit to the end of my tank top. If I was going to pass as a rogue, I might as well go all the way.

The building was small but modern looking. It had a small door, gray paint and what seemed like two rooms.

I pushed it open, seeing a single woman sitting around a table with some papers and a beat up computer. The rest of the room was completely bare. Not even a bookshelf. I could see that there was another room connected to this one, maybe just a bathroom. I could feel Niall stronger than before, so I knew he'd find me, but I WANTED to find him.

"Welcome to Rogue Burg, my name is Stacey. Happy to be at your service. I don't care how or when you do but there are plenty of houses here you can stay at. Thank you for stopping by, and have a terrific day" The woman stated in a not so friendly or welcoming voice at all as I stepped inside. I scrunched my nose up in disapproval, but kept my strides slow as I approached her.

"I'm not-" I cleared my throat to start over again, just to put a bit more edge in my tone. "I'm not looking for somewhere to stay, I'm looking for someone" I stated loud enough for her to hear.

She finally looked up from her paper to raise an eyebrow at me, but she looked completely uninterested.

they are, sniff them out yourself" she mumbled as she turned the page.

morning?" I finally questioned, gaining her attention. I was shocked to see that she actually smirked at me as if she

from you. You should move on with your life"

eyed the woman in contempt. With a huff, I pulled my phone from my waist band and waved the


before they softened a whole lot

your mate? Gosh I wished he

surprise when I overturned the chair she was sitting in and slammed my hands


doesn't know about, and she's about to see the worst since she was being

gonna ask you one last

"It's Stacey."

her crap. She shot me a careful glare before straightening her shoulders and leaning back again after repositioning herself back in her

know," She retorted, obviously not knowing what I wanted

and shoved it in the table beside her hand, causing her to flinch


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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