I beamed at Niall as he watched me in disbelief. I knew I was a hard mate to keep up with. One minute I'm saying this, then the other I'm saying that.

But Niall's features then softened, and he looked content with my words. "Really. You changed your mind?"

I nodded. "I had an eye opener. Vic told me something about my dad, and I realised that the truth didn't hurt me like I thought it would. It actually made me feel better."

He pecked my lips as he wrapped his arms around my waist tighter. I could see that this was a part of his plan. He knew Victoria was the only one who could've gotten through to me. And even though at first it annoyed me, I'm glad he did.

"Besides, she reminded me that whatever I find out, however hard it will be, I have a mate that will stick by me throughout it all."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you," he pointed out with a small smirk. I quickly kissed the stupid smirk away from his face.

"I know. I know. But she was right." I smiled at how much better I actually felt. I was still terrified of whatever truth was tucked away in England, but I had faith that it will all be worth it.

This was what I wanted from day one, after all. Clarissa's death just scared me a bit. I was shaken up, still am actually. All the disappointment, hard choices and painful realities I've faced in my life became too much. I understood why I'd want a break from it all, telling myself that I didn't need to know the rest.

But it was just the pain and fear speaking. Zoey--the Zoey deep down--knew that sooner or later, I'd be back on my mission again. I'm just happy it's sooner.

I proceeded to tell Niall all that Victoria had just told me, making sure not to leave out any detail. He had a thoughtful expression on his face once I was done, before it transformed into concern.

"How are you taking it? Are you sure you're okay? This is a lot." I knew my mate would only be concerned about how I was feeling about it before telling me what he thought. That was just how Niall is.

"I'm fine Niall. It hurts a little knowing that she and Luka knew this all along, but I have to consider that she had her reasons for keeping it from me. I just have to trust that she was going to tell me soon," I told him honestly, and he simply nodded in understanding.

"So what now?" he asked. "We leave for London soon?"

the hem of my shirt as I stepped back a little, shaking

letting you go alone Zoey. I know you've been visiting Emerald Pack since you were a child and they're

me. I needed to get him to agree. "Look Niall, you have left your pack three times already on my account. I won't take you away this time. You know it, I


an Alpha. You have a pack to run. Think about them. Think about all the work you have been catching up on because you were absent so much, and there are just some things Asia and Jared cant do here, because they aren't the Alpha." I took a deep breath as I ended, pleading with my eyes

my mate, Zoey. If you go out of linking range, I still won't be able to work because I'll be too worried," he mumbled, even though I could see that he was giving in. Deep down he knew I

every hour, and I'll call you when I'm going to sleep and we can fall

buried his nose in my neck, no doubt trying to soothe

at Emerald's Alpha house are basically family. Luka's younger brother, Ty, is the Alpha, and Ty's twin, Emma, is the Beta female. It's so cute how both of them

this from the very beginning. "At


made a move to leave, but then I saw his eyes glazing over. I always forgot he had a mind-link

us, but it wasn't Jared's scent that

The request came from the one wolf that I was not

Asia. I scrunched my face into confusion as she entered and closed the door. Niall didn't seem

Jared?" I asked, completely avoiding

at the same time, that I got the message

probably a bit unnecessary. But Asia didn't like a bone in my body. And even if she has been on her best behaviour

I shot

I haven't been the

Sherlock," I

me nowadays. There's something about you that is different..." she trailed as she gazed at my hand. "And I want to help you know

necessarily doing it for me, she was just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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