Alpha Nocurne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 60

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 60 Two Lovebirds

“Stop looking at my Luna.” Adam snarled angrily as Allen stared at him with disbelief.

He twisted suddenly and broke free of Adam’s grip before he darted a short distance away from him and stood looking between the two of them.

“Since when did you get so possessive?” He asked, eyeing him warily.

Adam responded with a snarl as Alien’s eyes drifted to the obvious mark on his neck and he pointed excitedly, with his eyes wide open in stunned disbelief.

“When… What… Wait! You’re marked! What?! Are you..?! No…” He stuttered as a myriad of emotions and questions fluttered across his face.

Ann chuckled and made her way over to Adam with the sheet still wrapped tightly around her. Adam growled warningly and pulled her into his side and wrapped his arm around her as he scowled at Allen dangerously.

Ann rubbed her fingers backward and forwards gently over the back of his hand, hoping that he would be calmed down a little by the sensation. She half wished that by some miracle, those telltale sparks would appear under her fingertips, but they didn’t and she felt her heart sink in disappointment.

“When did you two mark each other? I didn’t… does this mean that you’re actually mates?! You weren’t even in here last night when I came back to speak to you, Alpha! Where were you!” Allen demanded suddenly, with a look of incredulity on his face.

Adam growled lowly, the deep rumble seemingly vibrating through the air, and Ann sighed lightly.

about the marks, that’s our business and no one

said soothingly as

take our wolves for a run last night Allen. That’s all. They needed

you actually did let

will when it’s safe to Maeve, I don’t want anything to go

she snorted derisively, ‘You don’t think that I can

at all, I know you’re more than capable, what I’m worried about is you being susceptible to outside influences again and being f0rced into doing something regrettable.’ Ann explained calmly as she

of them warily before sighing and gesturing wildly

up anyway. I don’t know what’s gotten into them lately.

they lay one hand on her…”

be appropriately punished

was pretty shocked if I‘m honest.” Allen said as

of the omegas that you two might end up with pups at some point soon…hence

Ann blinked in surprise.

but… you two aren’t exactly quiet when you’re going at it. Contracted or fated mate… whatever you two are… you certainly give the bonded mates a run for their money.” Allen sniggered as

Adam grinned widely.

nice to have a few little ones running around, don’t

expression on his face froze before it slowly

to bear

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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