Alpha Nocurne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 135

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 135 His True Fated Mate

The silence that permeated the room after the elders left to make their decision was only interrupted by the dejected sniffling of Ada’s huddled figure from where she cowered in her prison.

Lexi’s knee jiggled incessantly up and down, a clear indicator of the irritation and anger that she still felt regarding Narcissa’s comment about her mother, as well as the occasional violent flashing of her eyes, that beautiful yet deadly luminescent red that signified her appet*ite for violence.

Allen glanced at her warily before turning to Adam who remained focused on Ann’s face as she stared at the spot where the two women were held before her with an unreadable expression.

“Father, I want you to ask Ada something,” Ann called out suddenly and he turned to face her with a blank expression.

He opened his mouth to reply but Ann hastily made her request.

“I want you to ask her if she is truly carrying Brad’s baby… he at least deserves to know that,” Ann said, with a slight tremor in her voice.

It was glaringly obvious that none of what had happened was either Brad’s or her father’s fault entirely, but she still couldn’t forgive either one of them. She would accept it and do her best to move on, but forgiveness was simply beyond her reach.

However, Brad’s wolf had been given no opportunity to live the life that he had been fated to live, and she felt sorry for him. His wolf deserved to know if he was going to be a father or not to his own pup.

Leopold looked at her for a long time before finally nodding curtly and turning to Ada with a single eyebrow raised.

don’t want to have to use the command on you as well, for the sake of your child…” he began,

answered quietly. “Yes… this is Brad’s child. I hadn’t intended to fall pregnant at all… it was just supposed to be to

her cage angrily with her fists,

I had worked so hard to build on, for all these years.” Narcissa hissed. “Selfish, immature little b*“h. You’re no daughter of

briefly and looked at her

did Ada’s actions

glowered furiously at him before she

the weakest of the two Alpha’s that rivaled you in strength, but Ada and her childish little vendettas ruined that! I had planned for Ada to marry Alpha Nocturne which would have secured an alliance with the two strongest packs through blood ties, but instead, all she did was push him together with his

of his name,

in his mind and he had a sneaking suspicion that he knew exactly where this

marry Ada…marriage to anyone other than your fated mate is… rare at best…” Leopold trailed off, struggling to connect the dots

him with a smile

able to shift again and in so doing, would prevent him from finding his true mate. The only way that my curse would ever be broken was if he

be his fated mate by some happy twist of fate, that she would be able to capitalize on the mate bond itself once she was married to him and had gained enough time to work her seductive magic on him.” Narcissa continued to explain before she

and before she knew what was happening, Adam had flown to the balcony wall in front of them, gripping the edges so

much as Ann would love to see Narcissa torn to shreds, she didn’t particularly want to see Adam f*orc*efully restrained

is the little puppy sad that I k*il*led his parents?” Narcissa mocked in a

teeth as she raised

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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