Alpha Nocurne's Contracted Mate

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate Chapter 196

Alpha Nocturne’s Contracted Mate by A E Randell

Chapter 196 Two Supposed Mates

Lexi didn’t even know why she was crying or how long she had been crying for. All she did know was that she was furious with herself for letting a prick like Allen get under her skin so easily.

There was no way that he was her mate, was there? Her father had said that the bonding between daemons and their mates was eternal. You only got one in your lifetime and quite honestly, the thought of being bonded to Allen for the rest of her life… the mere thought of it was driving her slowly insane.

She was so confused about her feelings for him. How was it possible to want to f“k someone to an inch of their life…but also want to murder them with everything you had in you? Wasn’t that the sort of toxic relationship that she had spent her life trying to avoid?

Then why did she feel so empty without him near?

She groaned loudly and turned onto her back on the luxurious bed, casting her eyes around the room for the first time she had arrived there.

It wasn’t bad at all. The furnishings were a little old-fashioned, homey, and antique, and she liked that. The smell of solid wood, when it had been freshly polished, had always given her a sense of peace. Perhaps it was a residual memory from her childhood.

her that her mother insisted on having wooden furniture…the old heirlooms passed down through generations from her maternal side.

home.. it was nothing

went through to the bathroom, and when she caught sight of her

you differently and she didn’t want that. Especially not in the heart of a pack of wolves. They respected strength, and

the bathroom to freshen


had she pulled the dress down over herself, was she disturbed by

she saw that it was Allen standing there, and the forlorn expression on his face that he

awkwardly as he rubbed his

I don’t want things to be difficult between us,” Allen said, looking at her uncertainly. “Us?” Lexi

of a pain that she didn’t recognize. “Lexi, everything that happened at the

of time trying to convince me that I was

that you thought anything

know. I… I was an i***t. I’m sorry. I… I was scared…” Allen answered mournfully

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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