Chapter 5

Maddie left our side immediately as soon as we reached the ballroom, talking to who I could only assume as classmates. Ty had stayed back with me for a moment and he graciously walked me over to a corner. The smells were a bit overwhelming mixed with the loudness of the music and chattering. I was thankful for Ty’s help.

“Go, I know you got some friends here.”

I felt him shake his head.

I tilted my head toward him, now aware that he was stiff as a board. “You smell her don’t you, your mate?”

He squeezed my hand. “I do.”

“Well, what are you waiting for! Go get her! Jesus Ty! Don’t stand next to the person you know for SURE isn’t your mate.” I chuckled and pushed him further in the room.

'I don’t smell anything special.'

Kai came forward for the first time in a while. Maybe they aren’t here yet, it is still pretty early.

I looked around, there were a lot of people, but there were still people filling into the ballroom. It was only 6:15pm after all. Father and Melissa had seen us walk in and both Ty and Maddie were happy to describe the look of disgust on their faces when they had spotting my attire. But I just tucked myself in the corner. I could feel a few eyes on me but I refused to use Kai to see them.

had lost the sound of both Ty and Maddie in the crowd and I didn’t want to go to them either. Who wants a blind older sister

brought here every so often. I knew this place better than most and so slipping down the hall, I made my way down a side staircase which lead to a door outside. The castle was closer to the forest than our own house and I slipped

was my favorite perching rock. It was a little smaller than I remembers. We used to pay King-of-the-Rock as children. Sitting on it now, my legs dangled off

loud engines pulling up the to the castle. But they soon died down and the music and chatter from the party dissipated into the wind through the trees. It was a perfect night to be out in the

'Don’t be disappointed, Kai.'

'How can I not be disappointed? It’s the first real chance we got to get out to see if we

who would inevitably reject

don’t know that Auri!

I was right, she wasn’t willing to give up yet though. I

said bothering

We could finally

forest filled in between as, as though we were talking side by


lifted up

I felt Kai nod.

out loud and took a

didn’t let my skin breathe the warmth of the air. I felt like I was recharging in the moonlight. The tiredness and weariness of life just melting away all the negative emotions I was feeling. A couple times, a pair

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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