Valen POV

We were finally going home, and I was beside myself with panic and I think that this was the slowest I had ever driven in my life. Cars were honking their horns behind me, and I glared at the driver in my mirror. Does he not see the baby on board sticker? 

“Valen 50kms is already too slow for this strip. You’re doing 20 under,” Everly hisses at me as cars overtake me. 

“We have fragile cargo in the car. What if their little heads wobble?” Just saying that has me reduce my speed more. It wasn’t worth the risk! 

“We are more likely to get hit with you going this slow,” Everly scolds, and I sigh. 

“I’m serious, Valen. Speed up or let me drive. They’re more durable than you think,” 

“They are newborns!” I catch Everly rolling her eyes.

“I get this is your first newborn, and you want to wrap them in cotton wool, but seriously, they are durable, geez. Valarian fell off the bed once, screamed his damn head off, but he is perfectly fine,” 

“You dropped him off the bed?” I ask, horrified. 

“No! Of course not! He rolled off. Damn near had a heart attack.” She laughs. 

“Why are you laughing?” I asked, outraged. She was not holding them if she was going to be dropping them. 

“Nothing. Just something your mother said when she raced to our room because I was screaming like a banshee thinking I killed him.”

“What did she say?” I asked, curious. 

reply was. He’s screaming. He’s fine. It’s when they don’t make noise that you worry.” I raise an

was he?”

seat. He turned out perfectly fine.” she states while all I could think was how the heck my son

kid has OCD.See what dropping him did?” Everly sighs and shakes

that from. I bet the entire house is baby proofed,” she

is not genetic,” I

debate otherwise,” she retorts.

have OCD,” I

entire place?” she

her, opening the mind-link. She shakes her head and peers out the

the baby proofing stuff, hide it. Undo it.

replies and I bite back the urge to growl

ask, damn

Marcus says, and I cut

tell me the names you picked?” Everly asks,

I tell her, and she hisses, clutching her stomach as she turns back to face the front. “Sit still before you hurt

I pull into the

the door open. Now, to master these capsules, they were a real bitch

handle it. Everly plucks a capsule out, then the middle one while I was still struggling to undo the one I was in

button on

I tell her, becoming flustered. Everly clicks her tongue and walks around to my side, one baby capsule in each hand. She sets them down and pushes me out of the way with her hip. I glare at her when it

was just showing

shit. I felt like a mule carting it all up. When the elevator doors open, Marcus opens the mind-link as I step inside. “How do I get the toilet things off? I can’t even open the lid,” Marcus tells

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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