Chapter 174

Tessa went to select the outfit that she would wear to the concert in rather good spirits. In the end, she wore a dress in haze blue that had a tad bit of starry decoration before heading to the International Convention and Exhibition Center.

Meanwhile, Nicholas returned to Dynasty Gardens. Upon seeing him, the butler, Andrew, went forward to greet him, “Master Nicholas, Young Master Gregory has been in the music room for the entire day again.”

Nodding his head, Nicholas passed his coat to Andrew before striding off to the music room on the second floor.

Gregory was inside wiping the violin strings with a special cloth so carefully that he didn’t even notice when Nicholas entered the room. His behavior caused Nicholas to frown before calling out in exasperation, “Greg.”

When Gregory heard the greeting, he looked up before lowering his head to continue what he had been doing once he saw that it was Nicholas. He carefully and mechanically wiped the strings while treating Nicholas as an invisible person and didn’t even give Nicholas another glance.

He hadn’t addressed Nicholas as ‘Daddy’ for the past few days and apart from their argument a few days ago, he hadn’t spoken to Nicholas either. His son’s lukewarm attitude toward him left Nicholas in a truly bad mood.

corporate world. He was able to get what he wanted to the point where no one

handed him two tickets. “This is for tonight’s

even glancing at the

undeterred Nicholas continued mildly, “No? If you aren’t, I can give these tickets to someone else, but you must know this is Tessa’s favorite orchestra from

searching for a lie. At the same time, the little boy was trying to guess whether Tessa would be attending. However, Nicholas intentionally remained silent and only smirked at Gregory in response

while, Gregory found the answer that he

word ‘Berlin’ on the tickets, Gregory’s eyes brightened in happiness. Whatever music that Miss Tessa fancied, he would make an effort to attend the concert as well. Then, he would be able

the vigor return to his son’s eyes, Nicholas finally let out

Gregory had been as lifeless as a block of wood as he went about his day listlessly. The most active thing that he did was shut himself in the music room and space out with Tessa’s violin

can go, but you’ll have to eat first,” Nicholas instructed with a deliberately stern

care what expression his father now had and only thought about seeing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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