Chapter 436 The Stone Family’s Schemes

Even so, Hayley still couldn’t vent all her anger, so she jumped off the bed barefoot and smashed everything she could in the room.

Her parents, who had been resting, were awakened by the commotion. They immediately got up and went to find Hayley, only to find that her room was in a mess. The floor was covered in her bedsheets and various clothes, and broken pieces of glass were scattered everywhere.

“Why are you throwing a tantrum in the middle of the night?” Nero stood at the door and stared at her in displeasure.

On the other hand, Sonia asked her worriedly, “Hayley, is something wrong?”

“Mom, Dad, do you know who Nicholas is spending time with while he’s abroad?” Hayley looked at her parents gloomily. “He’s with that b*tch Tessa!”

“How could that be?” They were taken aback by her words.

he refuses to come back until now!” Through gritted teeth, Hayley continued, “If we

They had planned to use Hayley and Nicholas’ marriage to

daughter’s husband?” Nero snorted coldly. His eyes narrowed dangerously as he said ominously, “I heard that Tessa has a younger

in store for him. Recently, he had been busy with the company’s affairs. Before this, Sawyer Group suddenly ended the partnership with them, causing them to suffer quite a few losses. However, as Nicholas regained control of the Sawyer Group overseas, he asked Kieran to approach Timothy again and renew the partnership. Now that the two companies were working together again, there were many

his sister’s side abroad through Kieran, which made him extremely satisfied with his brother-in-law. Moreover, with Nicholas accompanying his sister abroad,

happy and sweet smile on the screen, he smiled cheekily and teased, “Looks like Nicholas is all

glare at him fiercely. “How brave of you to make

all and even tried to drag Nicholas down with him. “Nicholas, look

“She’ll be fine

adults were saying, he still butted into the conversation excitedly.

he looked down at the unprocessed documents in front of him and thought of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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