Chapter 440 Meeting Louis

Mr. Louis lived in an estate that was an hour’s drive from Vienna. Inside the living room, there were violin-related decorations everywhere and there was even a huge wall cabinet behind the living room that was full with all kinds of precious violins. It was clear that he was a person who madly loved violins.

Tessa heard footsteps just as she was admiring the violins in the wall cabinet. When she looked toward the source of the sound, she saw an elderly man with white hair walking over slowly on crutches.

This person was Louis himself. Although he was almost sixty years old, he was still in good health. As he walked toward Tessa, the first thing he noticed was Nicholas standing beside her with a powerful aura.

Subsequently, Nicholas met eyes with him.

For some reason, Nicholas got on Louis’ nerves. Louis suddenly scoffed and commented unhappily, “Youngsters have no manners.”

Tessa was a little confused, not understanding why this old man would suddenly become unhappy. She looked at Nicholas with unease, afraid that Louis would get angry and refuse to help her repair her violin.

bothered about it, though. He knew that although Louis had a weird temperament, the man would definitely keep his

held Tessa’s soft hand and comforted gently, “Don’t worry,

feeling her

displaying their affection in front of him, his face suddenly darkened. “Didn’t you say you

the sofa in the living room with his crutches. When Tessa saw this, she quickly broke free from Nicholas’ hand and

the violin that needs repairing,” she said while holding the

famous Thena, one of the world’s most precious

violinist? How could you let such a good violin break?” He reprimanded Tessa unceremoniously as he held the broken strings of the violin

upset by him reprimanding her because she was indeed not a qualified violinist, for

break it. This was an accident. I know that you’re a very talented luthier, so I’m begging you to please

a little. He didn’t say anything else after that but lowered his head and started to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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