Chapter 444 Old Master Sawyer Is Sick

On the other hand, Hayley didn’t say anything but only looked at her father quietly. She felt that he must’ve come up with the perfect idea if he could say something like that, and that was indeed the case.

Nero glanced at Sonia and said meaningfully, “Look, I’m not planning to do anything. I’m just worried about Old Master Sawyer, so I’ll send some supplements to him.”

Between the lines, Hayley grasped the real meaning behind her father’s words.

Early the next morning, Hayley went to Sawyer Residence with a large amount of supplements in her hands.

“Old Master Sawyer, I’m here to see you.” After following the housekeeper into the living room, she greeted Remus obediently.

“I’m happy that you came to see me. But why did you buy so many supplements? I can’t finish eating all

If you can’t finish it, you can eat it slowly.” As she spoke, she handed the supplements to the housekeeper and didn’t forget to remind him, “Make sure that Old Master Sawyer eats these. They’re

man’s body and promised, “Don’t worry, Miss Stone, I’ll definitely make sure of that.” Saying that,

the supplements looked fine, but if someone who was well versed

to prepare a medicated diet for Remus, who followed it for a few days in a row. One day, he had just finished his meal and was about to go for a walk in the garden, but as soon as he

to support Remus who had fainted and shouted, “Hurry,

and underwent emergency resuscitation. Not long after, Tobias, Stefania, and Kieran had rushed over

what happened to


people in front of him and said apologetically, “I’m not sure about Old Master Sawyer’s condition. He was going for a walk in the garden after eating as usual today, but

In the quiet hallway of the

little while later, the operation that lasted a few hours was finally over, and the doctors and nurses pushed the unconscious Remus out. After he was settled in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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