Chapter 446 Dodged a Bullet

Hearing this, Nicholas furrowed his brows deeply. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was off, and that he was missing out on a crucial detail. After some thought, he asked again, “Since his health was fine, what about his diet? How is Grandpa’s appetite these days, and what does he eat?”

At his words, Hayley and her parents, who were standing aside, felt their hearts race. They hadn’t expected Nicholas to probe so much.

Ian replied, “Old Master Sawyer has a good appetite these days, and he can eat one and a half to two bowls of rice every day. The dishes are also made according to the menu formulated by the nutritionist, followed by some supplements.”

“Supplements?” Nicholas frowned and pressed, “What kind?”

The moment he said that, both Hayley and her parents’ faces showed a trace of panic. Nero hurriedly glanced at Hayley.

forward, saying, “Nicholas, I think that since it was something Old Master Sawyer

was suspecting him of being negligent, and he hurriedly defended himself, “Master Nicholas, I strictly control what Old Master Sawyer usually eats in strict accordance with the nutritionists’ and doctors’ instructions. Before I

were given to Remus, but she soon relaxed. After all, Remus’ current condition made it clear that the doctor did not

thought, she spoke for Ian again, saying, “Nicholas, in my opinion, no matter what the reason for Old Master

more questions. Finally, the Stone Family was able to breathe a sigh of

was worried about the situation, so she gave him a

words behind, he grabbed his phone and turned around, leaving

Hayley watched his retreating figure, her expression darkened. She had accidentally seen the caller ID on his

left. Tobias and Stefania sat on the sofa with Gregory in their arms and asked about his life during his time abroad. “Has your daddy brought you anywhere while

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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