Chapter 461 Have Her to Yourself

“You bad daddy! I’m not a little man; I’m just four years old! You just want to make a fool out of me and have Miss Tessa all to yourself!”

“Good that you know it.” Nicholas didn’t deny it upon being exposed.

Tessa’s cheeks burned a little as she stood aside and listened to the father and son’s conversation.

Later that night, Tessa coaxed Gregory to sleep. When she came out of his room, she noticed that the light in the study was still on, so she went to the kitchen, warmed a glass of milk, and brought it to the study. Little did she expect, as soon as she entered, she saw Nicholas beating his knees and looking unwell. She hurriedly walked over to him and put down the glass of milk, asking with concern, “Is your old wound flaring up?”

Nicholas nodded slightly. “I’m too busy these days, so I haven’t been sleeping according to schedule. I didn’t expect it to cause my old wound to flare up, though.”

In an instant, Tessa felt terribly sorry for the man. In an uncompromising manner, she helped Nicholas up from behind his desk, saying, “Why keep working when you’re already feeling so uncomfortable? Go back to the room with me and rest.”

other choice, Nicholas followed Tessa back to the bedroom. Nevertheless,

and her heart clenched all at once. “Let me do some acupuncture on you,” she said. Then, she turned around and dashed out of

that Nicholas’ old injury had flared up, Andrew immediately

room, Tessa started to apply herbs to

was very cooperative during the whole process. An hour later, Tessa put

in his eyes as though he wanted Tessa to

at the moment, she stood up

Nicholas nodded.

passed and Tessa saw that Nicholas hadn’t come out of the bathroom, she started to get worried. Could that guy have fallen asleep in the bathroom? The more she thought about it, the more worried she became. If Nicholas had fallen asleep, he could be in danger of drowning. “Nicholas, are you done taking a bath?”


moment. She pushed the door open and went in, and as she had expected, she saw Nicholas sleeping with his back against the bathtub.

first syllable Tessa uttered. “Sorry. I fell asleep.” His voice, which was husky with sleep, sounded

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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