Chapter 502

Miss Tessa already told me that on our way back home.” Gregory nodded obediently. Then, he carefully kept the candies, snacks, and toy shop gift card in his pocket. Not long after, he started yawning. When Nicholas saw this, he asked the servant to take Gregory upstairs to take a bath. After Gregory left, the atmosphere in the living room became relatively quiet. Tessa tilted her head and asked the man next to her, “How’s your Grandpa doing in the hospital? Is he recovering well?” Timothy also looked at Nicholas with concern when he heard his sister’s inquiries. When he sensed their concern, he said briefly, “Don’t worry, he’s recovering well.”Tessa nodded, relieved by the good news. Then, the three started chatting away. A while later, Andrew informed them, “The late-night snack is ready.” Nicholas nodded, then looked sideways at Tessa as he asked with his low and charming voice, “Care to accompany me?” Naturally, she would not refuse his invitation and followed him after getting up from the sofa. However, she did not leave immediately. Instead, she turned her head around and asked, “Tim, are you joining?” “No, I’m not. You should keep Nicholas company.” After he finished speaking, Timothy tacitly left them alone. He felt that if he followed them, they would definitely make him watch them being lovey- dovey, and he would feel like a third wheel again. I sure don’t want to make myself suffer.Timothy was right with his guess, as reality wasn’t that much different from how he thought it would be. In the dining area, Tessa smiled and rested her chin on her hand as she looked at Nicholas. The atmosphere was sweet and cozy as they chatted the night away. After they finished their late-night snacks, Tessa accompanied Nicholas for a walk in the garden. At that moment, a gentle breeze blew, and it gently ruffled through her hair. Tessa could not help but look up at the man beside her. Right now, she felt that her life was fulfilling and joyful with this person by her side, and she hoped that it would continue to stay this way in the future. The next day, the Stone Family received a note from Remus and came to the hospital early in the morning.“Old Master Sawyer, you look so much better. Now, my mind can also be at peace.” Hayley looked at Remus with a concerned

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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