Chapter 580

With the familiar scent filling Tessa’s senses, her terrified heart finally calmed down a little.

She returned the hug with a fervor. Unable to resist the urge any longer, she broke down crying.

“I thought I wouldn’t be able to escape my fate. Thank goodness you’re here.”

When Nicholas heard that, he felt as if his heart was being crushed by a large, invisible hand. The pain was so bad that he could barely breathe.

“It’s okay. Don’t be scared. I’m here,” he soothingly said while he gently patted her on the back.

Even so, she couldn’t stop crying.

As his arms remained wrapped around her, he shot a murderous glare at the scar-faced man and the others. How he wished he could kill them all right then and there.

“Edward, I want their hands rendered useless!”

“Yes, sir!” Edward said as he began raining attacks down on the scar-faced man and the others.

Some tried to run, but they were soon caught by the bodyguard.

For the next few moments, screams echoed through the air.

Every screech released made Tessa’s body quiver with fear.

When Nicholas noticed her shivering, he moved her away from the scene.


beyond horrified by

he kept his arms

ever hurt you again,” he said as he

held hers as he comfortingly said, “Don’t be scared, Miss Tessa. Daddy

and Tessa’s bodyguard had defeated the scar-faced

were all doing

a brief sweep of the area, Edward turned his attention to contacting

We have

they had to find out who

the target of this incident was

was stunned silent by what she

never expected Nicholas to appear at such an opportune

and hatred

so very

“Where’s your efficiency now? After so many hours, not one of my requests has been done. Now, Nicholas has

she thought about it, the angrier

“Darn it!”

her hands against


honk of a car’s horn blared loudly around her, making her jump. She swiftly held up

in her direction, likely because he

area near her, she hurriedly dropped her binoculars

connection to this incident be known

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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