Chapter 614

Soon, the melodious sound of a violin that was rich with emotions filled the room.

At times, it was light, but sometimes, it sounded depressing, as though the music conveyed the tale of a couple’s ups and downs.

Everyone was smitten with the music, and when it ended, thunderous applause came from the crowd below the stage.

Tessa curled her lips into a confident smile as she bowed to the crowd and left the stage with her violin.

Then, she returned to Louis’ table and noticed that a few musicians had gathered around him. Seeing that she was coming over, they started complimenting her.

“You made a tremendous improvement, Miss Reinhart. Your performance this time is very different from before.”

“He’s right. The rhythm this time is more lively and has its unique soul, which is much more moving than your previous performances.”

“It’s even slowly becoming a style of its own. Keep up the good work!”

Tessa was overjoyed that her efforts were noticed and nodded earnestly at their helpful advice, “I’ll continue to work hard.”

up the question of why she hadn’t been here

Two of Miss Hathaway’s orchestra, and we’re performing in

her candid answer, everyone

your best, then. This will be your first performance

She nodded

didn’t try to make her stay. When she was home, she gave Nicholas a video call after she had washed

her tone and asked, “Nicholas, do you know if there’s going to be an auction in Vienna recently? Of course, it would be best if someone from our country were

do you want to go to an


I would like to see if there’s any gift suitable

to go to an auction for that. I know an antique store; they probably have

figured that he had a point, so she agreed without a fuss. Plus, she might be unable to outbid

at the screen. “You have

his brows and seemed unsatisfied

she noticed that and placed

“Will this do?”

a bright and happy smile on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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