Chapter 617

After that, she snapped back and nodded with a smile. “Don’t worry. I won’t listen to Nicholas.”

Timothy threw Nicholas a gleeful look at her words, and his eyebrows shot up a little, but he didn’t say anything. Despite that, he kept this tab in his heart, planning to exact his ‘revenge’ on his mischievous brother-in-law in due time. Meanwhile, Timothy and Tessa have already started asking about each other.

“Tess, how are you doing over there?”

“I’m doing rather well. What about you? Are you taking good care of yourself back home?”

As they talked about their everyday life, their conversation gradually switched to Timothy’s company without realizing it.

“How’s your company doing lately? You’re very busy, aren’t you?” she asked concernedly.

“Not bad, but I’m not very busy. So, you don’t have to worry, Tess.”

“I’m not worried, but I see that you’ve lost weight again. Why is this happening?”

She felt frustrated as she stared at her brother and thought that he didn’t take care of himself.

Timothy was embarrassed, but before he could say anything. Tessa said earnestly, “The money isn’t going to run away when you take a break. Besides, no matter how busy you are, you must eat your meals regularly. Your body is your capital, and if you are too busy, we’ll hire someone to cook your meals or just clean up the place. If you continue like this, how can I further my studies abroad in peace?”

“I know. I’m sorry, Tess. I’ll take good care of myself. Don’t worry about me. He apologized to her good-naturedly.

Alas, it didn’t matter how he apologized,

that he wouldn’t change his ways even if he admited his mistakes, and she

so you don’t have to worry so much. Just watch

stood up from his desk, snatched back his phone, and looked at the

afraid that he would also receive a round of lectures. Thus,

birthday was held at the orchestra hall, and the interior was grandly

convoy of luxury cars was lined up on both sides of the

dressed glamorously int gowns and bespoke

in groups and

the background while uniformed waiters walked through the crowd with an ease tha:

the peopie in

“Happy birthday, Hathaway

who arrived all


close friends.

was overjoyed

and introduced


a blast, and many

full of admiration for

be your

she? She looks like


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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