Chapter 621

Capability, talent, and humbleness, she has it all. I’m sure she will become someone great in time.”

When Kathleen heard this, she was fuming with rage. Moreover, she was displeased that Tessa, whom she deemed a b*tch, had stolen her limelight tonight. Hence, she abruptly rose to her feet.

“I’m going to play a piano piece for Mommy too!”

Needless to say, Kathleen’s piano skills were excellent.

She played a piece called ‘Ballade pour Adeline’ She played the tune of the song so romantically, beautifully, and full of artistic conception.

After the performance, the crowd applauded.

“Kathleen’s piano level is as amazing as her violin’s.”

“Hathaway, it looks like your daughter has surpassed you in learning.”

“A melodious music.”

Similarly, Tessa felt that Kathleen was talented in music despite her nasty character.

Kathleen’s mouth spilled forth humble words as she listened to everyone’s compliments, but her eyes were a different story as they looked at Tessa proudly.

care at all. Then, she turned around to help Hathaway

night, the birthday

as Hathaway’s student.

help but worry when she saw Tessa in such a state. “Scott, please

about seeing her in this

wouldn’t refuse when he

Kathleen, who was next to Hathaway, was enraged. How could

she was unhappy, there was no way for her

this moment as she declined with a shake of her head, “Miss Hathaway, thank you for your kindness. My fiancé has arranged for a driver to pick me up, so

didn’t enforce


lightly, then

back silhouette faded farther

eyes. As a result, her hands balled into fists,

her to calm down, but that scene was enough to

when she has a fiancé! Just wait! I will definitely make

she returned to the

when she received a video call

party go

well. I even performed two songs for Miss Hathaway live.” Tessa looked at Nicholas with a smile, and her almond eyes gleamed

eyes darkened slightly at the sight, and his voice was husky. “Did you drink

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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