Chapter 625

Following Tessa’s frequent visits, Louis was always patient with her and would start teaching her things of his trade when he was free.

Meanwhile, Angus would arrive at Louis’ manor immediately after Tessa’s arrival during this period.

This day was no exception as well.

When she saw the handsome man who ambled into the establishment, “Mr. Angus, you’re here.”

“Miss Reinhart.” Angus stared back at Tessa with a faint smile. His golden orbs were extremely dazzling under the sunlight, and there was a hint of something in his eyes.

However, it was a pity Tessa did not realize it at all.

After she greeted Angus, she continued to help Louis. When Angus saw that, his eyes dimmed, yet the smile on his face remained unchanged.


After a while, he also joined them in repairing the violin. Occasionally, he would also teach Tessa some techniques.

the distance

Angus’ face gradually became gentle as he

was just that his smile became tainted with a hint of bitterness

saw him as a good friend

unaware of Angus’ thoughts. Instead, the violin in

as he wanted to see Tessa’s progress

With that, she turned around and walked toward the shelf

same time, Angus’ gaze constantly

Louis’ affirmative voice rang in his ears. “You

heard that, his body stiffened, and he paused for

obvious?” He turned to look back

her wherever she goes. So, why

feel their outstanding appearance is a perfect match every time I sce her with Angus. Of course, I’m also quite satisfied with Tessa potentially becoming my niece-in-law and don’t mind having a mixed-race younger generation in the

don’t care what you think, but don’t interfere in


a chance in the future. Angus silently muttered the unspoken words

few days, Tessa suddenly noticed that Nicholas seemed to

still video-called her twice a day, she still

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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