Chapter 640

Louis’ words amused Tessa, and she began to contemplate whether to actually take the music sheets that he was offering her.

Angus seemed to have realized the look of uncertainty on her face, for he offered her some advice. “You should take it since Louis is offering to give it to you. He can’t play the violin, so it’d be a waste to just keep them here with him.”

Since Angus and Louis were convincing her to take the sheets, Tessa felt she’d be making things hard for them if she disagreed.

Louis shoved the sheets into her hands at that moment. “I’m telling you to just take this,” he uttered.

She hugged the sheets against her chest. Louis’ offer touched her, so she rushed forward to throw her arms around him. “You’re the best!”

a moment before he spoke in a disdainful tone. “What’s up with all this hugging?” He clearly didn’t mean what he said. He had never had a partner in his life, and his true love had always been the violin. Now that Tessa was clinging to him, he felt as if he had a daughter who was craving his love. Although he spoke as

from the side. He knew his uncle the best, after all. Throughout the years, no family member could tolerate his uncle’s eccentric temper. Because of this, many of the family members had

changed the way he gazed at Tessa. Tessa didn’t seem to realize anything-she simply calmed herself down before handing the three violins to Louis. “I’ll need your help for these three violins,

violins. Then, after I check and ensure that all three of them are in good condition, I’ll give you

sit in the hall for a chat. Soon

before turning to extend his invitation to Tessa. “Why don’t you have dinner with this

had no reason to decline his invitation. Angus couldn’t help but tease Louis when he saw how

stay for dinner?” Louis scoffed. He clearly knew what was going on in his nephew’s

hands up to show defeat. He

the dining area. During their meal, they didn’t have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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