Chapter 656 Huge Feast

It was no surprise that Timothy and Tessa’s expressions turned sour after that. Tessa, in particular, seemed especially furious. She thought that Kathleen had changed by then, but it seemed like she was still the same idiot from before. In the past, Tessa didn’t mind it when Kathleen attacked her personally. However, she was offended now that Kathleen had tried to bully her brother.

“I think you must’ve misunderstood something, Kathleen. My brother is doing this out of his kind intentions. Furthermore, I often tell him that you guys are really nice to me.” Tessa spoke up protectively. “You might not know this, but my brother and I have always been each other’s pillar in the family, and we haven’t been able to meet for a long time because we’ve been staying in different countries. That’s why he wants to thank everyone for taking care of me,” Tessa explained.

to speak for them as well. “You guys might think that Miss Reinhart’s brother looks really young, but he’s actually a successful businessman who currently owns a company with a net worth of more than tens of millions.” Everyone gasped in surprise when they heard this. Timothy was just

“That’s impressive,” someone commented.

talented, so I bet he’s talented in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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