Chapter 659 Bad News

Hathaway felt the urge to stop Kathleen when she saw the angry look on Kathleen’s face. “Why are you all worked up at such an early hour? Who made you angry?” Hathaway asked.

“There’s no one in this orchestra which has the guts to make me angry apart from that beloved student of yours,” Kathleen hissed through gritted teeth. Hathaway frowned at this. “Did you try to provoke her again?” she asked.

me about what happened. Sometimes, I really suspect

point, but she controlled her temper and questioned her daughter. “Well, what did you guys argue about this time?” Kathleen explained the situation in the restaurant earlier, and she added some of

of? If she’s that great, she wouldn’t need to rely on others at all,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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