Chapter 668 Headlines

Hathaway appeared on stage in a glorious evening gown, and she held her arm high to wave elegantly while the bright lights struck her figure. Both Tessa and Kathleen stood on one side, each behind Hathaway. Although they had completely different styles, the three still looked like a treat to the eyes when they stood together.

Soon enough, the orchestra members made their way to the center of the stage. The applause hadn’t stopped at this point. The emcee hastily handed his microphone over so that Hathaway could give a speech. “I’d like to thank everyone for showing up to enjoy our orchestra’s performance.”

Upon finishing her sentence, she directed the rest of her team to bow to the audience. “I’m sure many news reporters are tired of waiting at this point. I can do the interview now,” she announced playfully.

Many reporters with tags indicating that they were staff members scurried forward to interview the team. Typically, Kathleen would be the brightest star on stage. However, she played nothing more than a supporting role this time because most reporters were only interested in Tessa.

right?” one of the female reporters asked. Hathaway responded with a proud smile. “Yes. She’s my private student, and she’s really

you introduce her?

Hathaway turned and looked at Tessa before gesturing for her to step forward. “Come here, young lady.” Tessa lifted her dress and walked over elegantly. The very next moment, she found all the lighting and cameras turned in her direction. Although Tessa wasn’t accustomed to such events, she performed well and did not

continue to show us your support!” Her voice was crisp

I wonder if she gives you special tips and tricks that help with your performance?” someone asked. Tessa couldn’t help but frown at the question—this question was clearly a trick question to

earlier is a good answer to your question.” Tessa’s smooth response impressed all of the people in the crowd. However, the reporters clearly weren’t going to let her go so easily. “Miss Reinhart, since you’re Miss Hathaway’s private student, do you see

right now. Are you going to fight for it?” another one asked. The smile on Tessa’s face faded a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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