Chapter 676

Clearly, they were the perfect match with the best rapport!

“Is that woman really so amazing? It looks like I’ll have to find the chance to meet that woman!” Janet hissed through gritted teeth, her beautiful eyes

gleaming viciously.

For the next few days, Nicholas stayed in Yvetlava to recover with Tessa by his side to take care of him daily.

On this day, she received a call from Hathaway. It seems that their group was ready to return to Vienna.

“Tessa, I know that you’re worried about your fiancé, so I decided to let you have this time off. You can use this chance to relax, and once your fiancé has recovered, you can just come back again.”

“Thanks, Miss Hathaway,” Tessa expressed her gratitude sincerely.

Even though Kathleen picked on her in every way, Hathaway was very kind to her.

and Timothy were

bring Gregory out to have fun, and if

a little sorry that Tessa had

my injury has recovered a lot, and you don’t have to accompany me

want to go out. I just want to stay home with you because

don’t want

his gaze, saw the love in her eyes, and spoke in a

up his intention to leave. After all, his company

you’re back. Remember to take your meals regularly. You can never make enough money,

too, and don’t overwork yourself.” Then, after he left a few words of concern for

or she could say that every separation always

Gregory considerately tried to comfort her. “Don’t be sad, Miss Tessa. I’m here with Daddy, and we’re

touched her deeply. “You’re right, Greg. I still have both of you.” Then, she composed herself, pulled

call from his father. “Your

solemn face and saw Tessa playing with Gregory in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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