Chapter 683 You Meddle Too Much

The color was divided into two parts. The upper half was painted in blue and represented the sky, while the lower half was painted in green and represented the grass.

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Gregory also painted several flowers on the grass. Nevertheless, the most prominent part of this drawing was its portraits. Although it was a little abstract, it was not hideous, and everyone had a smile. The painting looked very artistic, with the adults holding the child as they stood side by side.

“Miss Tessa, did I draw it well?” Gregory looked at Tessa expectantly, and his face practically had ‘praise me!’ written all over it.

Tessa laughed and sincerely praised him, “It’s very nice. You’re really amazing.”

The smile on Gregory’s face became sweeter upon hearing her happy words, and he became more motivated. “Then, I will practice and take my lessons seriously so I can draw a portrait that’s as pretty as you.”

“In that case, I will eagerly wait for that day.” Tessa encouraged the little guy. Then, she saw Nicholas looking at them dotingly with a smile on his lips. So, she smiled as she handed over the watercolor drawing in her hand.

“Look at Greg’s drawing. Isn’t it beautiful?”“It’s quite good.” Nicholas lowered his eyes and glanced at the drawing. The curvature of his lips rose a little once more.

I like this drawing and what Greg said just now even more. A family of three… Aren’t we a family of three?

facial expression became even

and laughing, Janet discovered that she couldn’t interrupt them at all, and her jealousy kept surging to

outsider, whereas Nicholas and the others were like a

stomach any more of the constant laughter

and indifferent every time he sees me? Yet why doesn’t he ostracize Tessa?

as she looked at the three interacting

very unwilling to leave just

Instead, she looked at Tessa as she smiled, “Miss Reinhart, I

often, Greg and I video called each

her with malicious intent. So, although the smile on her face remained unchanged, the joy in her

pretended not to hear her warning as she insisted. “Video calls are mere video calls. But it will also be

she still gave Janet a courteous smile. “Everyone has different opinions. Besides, I think the technology these days is so advanced that even if we’re not together, it still won’t take long if we wish

would tactfully rebuff her. Hence,

deeply as she continued to find fault in

at that stage where he lacks maternal love. I heard from Mrs. Sawyer that she hopes to have a daughter-in-law who

at Tessa with a mirthless smile, and there were slight traces of smugness

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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