Chapter 722

After all, Wanda believed she would eventually move Nicholas one day.

Not long after that, the three of them made their way to a restaurant just a stone‘s throw away from the company. Upon settling down in the lounge, Keiran had been making the first move to talk to Wanda, cleverly knowing why his older brother had invited him to tag along with them. “I heard you hardly came back ever since you flew abroad. So, now that you‘re back, does it seem to you that Southend has changed a lot?”

“The city has changed a lot, indeed. In fact, many buildings that I remember can no longer be found around town.” Wanda then smiled at Nicholas and added, “I wanted to visit my former school a few days ago, but I couldn‘t find the building until I was told that they had moved elsewhere.”

Nicholas politely nodded in response but did nothing more than that. At the same time, his eyes were glued to his phone screen, upon which was his chatroom with Tessa. It turned out that he saw a story Tessa posted not long ago and decided to send her a text message, knowing she was still not asleep.

she had never seen Nicholas so gentle and tender. Deep down, she could tell that Nicholas was probably chatting with the lady whom he had a crush on. Oh, man. What am I going to do? Why does she get to be treated

in Vienna, the orchestra rehearsal schedule remained as packed as usual. Therefore, her fingers froze due to the chilly weather, even feeling numb when she was

caringly reminded Tessa to have enough rest. ‘Be sure to keep yourself warm when you leave home. Also, don‘t

yourself too.‘ Tessa replied to Nicholas‘ message

bed because it was already getting late in Vienna. As soon as he was done chatting with Tessa, he immediately redirected his attention to the conversation

so I‘ve been thinking about coming back here,

you can take your time to think

come to you guys and see what I‘ll be offered.” Despite saying that to Kieran, she peeked at Nicholas from the corner of her eye, only to see how the man pretended not to hear her. Upon noticing that, Wanda felt a strong sense of disappointment inside of her, although

anything wrong at all as he smiled and said, “Sure. Feel free to contact me when that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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