Chapter 744 Tessa Is Pregnant

On the other hand, Tessa knew the reason why Nicholas was doing this after hearing what he said—he didn’t want his family to attack her.

However, she felt that she should stay with him to face this together. “I’m not leaving,” she said seriously and looked at him with determination. “I’m staying here with you.”

Although Nicholas was moved by her words, he still didn’t agree to it. The reason why he had asked her to leave was that he knew his family too well. She would only get hurt if she stayed with him.

In the end, Tessa couldn’t defy him and left with Timothy with worry written all over her face.

When he noticed how worried she was, Timothy comforted her by saying, “Don’t worry. Since Nicholas has chosen to stay, he definitely has a way to deal with them. You should trust him. With Greg staying there with him, it’ll be fine.”

Indeed, Gregory stayed behind too. According to the little boy, he wanted to stay to help Daddy.

As expected, all the elders of the Sawyer Family rushed here that night. Kieran even left his work behind and came along with his parents.

chance to tip Nicholas off. ‘Nicholas, we’ve stepped off the plane. Right now,

the text and stayed still in the

Old Master Sawyer has arrived along with

him to leave the room. Then, he stood up to

when she saw her son, who was standing upright in the living room. She dashed toward him and asked, “I heard from your

in Nicholas’ direction when they heard the

with a nod, “Yes, it’s

Tobias and Stefania heard that, their faces darkened at once. “It’s your marriage we’re talking about! How can you make the

yourself as the helm of our family at all?! Do you know that your marriage would bring about serious

watched the scene unfold from the side, Kieran felt anxious for Nicholas. Just as he was thinking about a way to soothe the scene, Nicholas’ calm voice resonated

paused on purpose to look at his enraged parents and grandfather. He then said calmly, “Even if all

a pin-drop silence as though

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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