Chapter 774 It Could Be Kathleen

Before returning to the hospital, the butler took a detour to the mansion and packed some of Nicholas’ toiletries.

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After dinner and some rest, Tessa helped Nicholas wash up by bringing a basin of lukewarm water to wipe down his body.

As much as she was abashed, her heart ached even more. When she saw the blood-stained gauzes, it got her eyes red-rimmed again.

“It hurts, doesn’t it?”

“Not really. It’s not as bad anymore.” He didn’t want her to put all her attention on his injuries, so he urged, “It’s getting late. Go on and get some rest. You’ve had a long day.”

Tessa nodded in response. She was indeed spent after a day of fright and panic. Nicholas was staying in a VIP ward, so a companion bed came with it. After a quick clean-up, Tessa lay on the other bed.

“You have to call me if anything, alright? Don’t push yourself,” she exhorted worriedly before tucking in.

“I will.”

after receiving Nicholas’ promise

but suddenly, the door to the

his eyes open warily almost as soon as the person came in,

figure stood deferentially in the middle of the

did Nicholas realize it was his subordinate. With that, he tucked away his hostility and

a low voice. “As such, I’ve come to report what I’ve discovered.

grim upon hearing so. Turns out the accident was no

out who’s behind

nothing from their surveillance cameras. Also, because there were many stagehands and the venue’s structure is rather complicated,

Even now, as he lay on the hospital bed, he still dared not imagine what would’ve become of his beloved Tessa if he hadn’t

check those who have been near the spotlights. Investigate every single one of them. I want an answer latest by tomorrow noon!” Nicholas ordered with no room for

room even dropped a few degrees at this point. Evidently,

answered the subordinate after a nod, not daring to be

Then, a hint of hostility flashed across his eyes as something hit him. “There’s a woman named Kathleen in the orchestra. She

doing. After all, that woman

The subordinate nodded in acknowledgment before

fast asleep with Gregory in her arms, looking at her as his gaze turned icier by the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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