Chapter 817 Forgiveness

Nonetheless, Scott inquired, “I’m assuming that you don’t want to see Miss Reinhart. Do you… hold grudges against her?”

Hathaway remained silent. Although she did not respond, her expression said everything. Indeed, she was furious with Tessa.

Why can’t I forgive Tessa again like I have so many times before?

Scott naturally understood, so he sighed and gently persuaded, “Actually, I don’t think Miss Reinhart can be blamed for this. She is also innocent… She and the baby in her womb might have died if it hadn’t been for…” Hathaway lowered her eyes, making it difficult to read her expression.

“Perhaps you think Miss Reinhart has been forgiven so many times and that you couldn’t find it within yourself to do it again. However, you should think from another perspective. As a mother yourself, can you possibly forgive someone who wants to harm your child?” he asked as he pretended not to notice her expression.



corners of her eyes. She was aware of the truth, but she could not get past the barrier in her

ached with just the mere thought

her voice and eyes full of guilt, she continued, “It’s my fault for failing to fulfill my role as a mother and educate Kathleen properly.

that this was also

shouldn’t think that way. What she did shouldn’t be on you. Kathleen also had the ability to think for herself, but she chose the wrong path. I can only say that this was her decision and had nothing to

Hathaway could not listen; instead, she could only weep. With that,

who had been standing nearby, became concerned and rushed forward to persuade Hathaway, “Miss Hathaway, you need

It’s better to

paranoid and always regarded Miss Reinhart as a threat,” Scott said quietly after stopping Blaire

saddened Hathaway even more and

was eventually

for her before turning to Blaire. “I appreciate you taking such good care of Miss Hathaway these days.

“Thank you, Mr. Brooks.”

stood there watching him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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