Chapter 843 The Unrelenting Remus

If Greg becomes her apprentice, it’ll only be good for him! thought Stefania.

Tobias and Stefania were convinced by Nicholas’ words, but Remus was still against it. He ordered Nicholas, “I don’t care how great that music teacher is; I’m not allowing Greg to stay abroad with that Tessa woman. Get him back from overseas now!”

“I won’t do that,” Nicholas refused; he didn’t like Remus to interfere with his family affairs.

Remus’ anger surged when he saw how Nicholas remained unmoved. He chided, “You have to go even if you don’t want to! I’ll never let that Tessa woman hold Greg back.”

“Tessa won’t hold Greg back. She’ll only be even nicer to him,” Nicholas retorted with a look of displeasure. Then, he added in an unwavering tone, “Grandpa, you’re old now. I hope you’ll enjoy a life of ease and leisure at home instead of still vainly attempting to control everything.”

Remus was enraged by his words. “What’s the matter with your attitude? You think I’m being a busybody? I’m telling you, I’m doing this for Greg’s own good. He’ll only be ruined if he stays with that Tessa woman!”


Greg leaves the country, he won’t necessarily be worse off than while he was at home. I’ll arrange for him to be taught by the best teacher.” Nicholas looked as black as thunder in front of the unrelenting Remus. As his patience ran out, he added, “Don’t worry; my son won’t be inferior to anyone in the future. I also hope

to continue his argument at great length, but he was stumped by Nicholas’ words. “Well, well, well. You’re a grown-up now. I can’t do anything about you anymore, huh?” he said before storming off

about Remus, so they urged Ian to go upstairs to check on him. After learning that he was fine, they finally turned to look at their eldest son,

never left our side before, so it’s normal for your grandpa to find it unacceptable. Do you have to make him angry? Can’t

speak for Nicholas as he sat beside the latter. “Nicholas did want to discuss it amicably, but did Grandpa ever give

your turn to speak here? Just

depressed. Am I deemed worthless by my

brooked no

look, knowing that Nicholas wouldn’t change his mind once he had made a decision. “Fine then. Since you’ve made up your mind, we won’t say anything. In any case, you won’t do Greg any harm. As for your grandpa, just give him some time. He’ll accept it eventually,” Tobias advised

Nicholas nodded.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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