Chapter 854 Slander Party

Since only the people in the know were privy to what had happened, the people here thought Tessa was not at fault. Although Gregory did not understand much of what had happened, he was certain of one thing: His mommy changed mentor because Hathaway didn’t want her anymore. “Mommy, don’t be sad. We’ll become much better from now on and make those people that don’t want Mommy to regret it.”

The way Gregory comforted Tessa like an adult would was just too cute in Tessa’s eyes. He had succeeded in cheering her up and livening up the atmosphere, as the others around were amused with him.

In comparison with the cheerful atmosphere Tessa and the others were in, Hathaway’s one was gloomy. Even so, she pulled herself together and welcomed the group members to the meal.

During the dinner, Cindy watched from afar in jealousy as Tessa was getting along with those tycoons. “People that have wealth going for them really are different. How capable of her to become such a big shot after leaving us for only a few days,” she sneered with her eyes observing Hathaway’s expression.

kept her silence. In truth, she didn’t want to talk about Tessa, as doing so would sadden her once more. However, Cindy misunderstood and thought that Hathaway shared her dislike for Tessa, so she started a slander

alright even after causing the Hathaway

a strong backer so quickly and shamelessly, her

you guys think that

accept such

jealous of Tessa, their remarks about her grew vicious with

listening to the member’s disparaging remarks about Tessa, she still felt bitter about it. No matter what they were saying about Tessa, it remained an indisputable fact that she had gotten a prestigious person as her mentor. Cindy was puzzled over how she, who was not in any way inferior to Tessa, could only manage to become concertmaster after working hard. She was jealous of the fact that not

started it. “Haven’t you all said enough? If you’re jealous of

glared at each of the members who had made snide remarks and sneered as her eyes went to Cindy, “Not only is Tessa talented, but she’s also of a good character. That is why she is favored by all these people. Don’t you know that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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