Chapter 902 New Friend

Linville was a power icon in the fashion industry, and she was also the editor-in-chief of an international fashion magazine.

When Tessa heard that, she thanked her gratefully. “Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.” Linville had a good impression of Tessa. She felt like spending time with this gentle girl was really comfortable, so she treated her as a friend.

Also, she didn’t know why, but she had a feeling that she had met this girl somewhere before. But she just couldn’t figure it out on the spot, so she couldn’t help but ask, “Miss Tessa, have we met before?”

“I don’t think so. This is my first time in Milan.” Tessa looked at Linville in confusion.

Hearing her answer, Linville knitted her brows. “Did I remember it wrongly? But you give me a very familiar feeling.”

When Nicholas heard that, something came to his mind, and he explained, “I think you might have seen my wife’s performance or her interview in magazines. She’s a violinist.”

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Linville was stunned for a moment and remembered immediately. She looked at Tessa in surprise and shouted, “You’re the Virtuoso!”

said humbly, “That’s

seen your performance footage. They’re really

invited other guests to perform in the show. I could’ve just invited you. Your

H&G always had a classical theme, the classic concept was the main theme of this time’s fashion week

with a smile, “It’s okay. I can be your performance guest next time when we

had a good

were leaving, Tessa even exchanged contact numbers with

because Tessa got to know a new friend. On their way

into his arms and lowered

I made a new friend today.” She nodded with

eyes were full of affection, and it was due to his wife’s

night, when the family was having dinner in their

looking like a butler was standing at the door in a black

was stunned for a moment before she

in the middle of something, so she sent me here to give this dress

but she still accepted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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