Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 906

Chapter 906

In the magnificent banquet hall, people were chatting and drinking, having a great


A little while later, Warner, Linville, and the Sawyers entered the hall, capturing many people‘s attention with their good looks. Nicholas, especially, got many female celebrities and socialites infatuated and curious about his commanding presence and otherworldly good looks.

“Who‘s that man? How come I‘ve never seen him in this circle?”

“He‘s super hot, but it looks like he‘s married.”

“Correction, he is married. I noticed a wedding band on his finger. That stunning lady must be his wife. They‘re wearing a matching set of rings.”

Many others made a similar discovery and couldn‘t help feeling bummed. However, the feeling lasted only mere seconds as they very quickly made their way to Linville. After all, she was the reason many were here.

Linville was the wife of H&G‘s CEO, so many were well aware that they could only bag the haute couture of their liking and not fight others for it if they could befriend her. Because of so, many celebrities, socialites, and noblewomen began buttering up to her in no time.

approaching their direction, Nicholas

on the other hand, went off to chat with his collaborators when he saw that Linville could handle the crowd

hall, where Linville stood was

anyone taken the third gown from

No one wants it other than me,

finale gown. What does it


We bid

who suggested it,

reveal and went viral online. These socialites and

felt somewhat helpless as she looked at the ladies who had already

listen to me.” She interrupted their discussion and apologized, “The... gown you guys are

into dejection upon hearing so and left defeated.


with Linville, so she had some privilege and priority to gain gowns from Linville, and because

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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