Always Been Yours

Always Been Yours Chapter 908

Chapter 908

Little Gregory‘s words stumped Tessa, and she felt absolutely touched, for she had thought the little guy was only making an empty statement. But who‘d have thought he was serious about it?!

Nicholas, on the other hand, smiled somewhat profoundly after he took a gander at his dejected son.

At that, he turned to Tessa, asking with concern, “We‘ve been out the whole day; are you tired?”

“A little.”

Though Tessa hadn‘t done much the entire day, she was still pregnant after all. So her energy level wouldn‘t be as it was pre–pregnancy.

With that, Nicholas went to look for Warner and bid him goodbye.

“Nicholas, is everything alright?” Warner greeted Nicholas enthusiastically when he saw the latter approaching him.


“My wife and son are getting tired, so I intend to bring them back to the hotel.” Nicholas went straight to the point.

thoughtfully arranged

Tessa in his arms while Gregory followed next to them like the sweet child he was. It was a pretty loving sight

the family of three arrived at their suite, but Nicholas had no

looked at the man with

with bafflement,

Tessa with a smiling gaze. “Close your eyes when

“Why?” she asked reflexively.

of telling her. “Just listen to

Tessa chuckled under her

beloved husband. “Have you gotten me some sort of

“So it‘ll only be ritualistic if you close

face, and she felt so loved as though her heart had been dipped in honey. Uber–curious about the surprise, she listened to Nicholas and hurriedly closed her

under Nicholas‘ escort, Tessa arrived

voice traveled to Tessa‘s ears. “Bad Daddy! You‘re the one who stole

and she opened her eyes to find the

looked even more stunning up close and under the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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